Questions tagged [magic-methods]

Magic methods are implicitly invoked by a programming language when some event or language construct is used.

545 questions
3 answers

__new__ method giving error object.__new__() takes exactly one argument (the type to instantiate)

why the following code is giving error? class Foo: def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): print("Creating Instance") instance = super(Foo, cls).__new__(cls,*args, **kwargs) return instance def __init__(self, a, b): …
Danish Mahmood
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1 answer

How to use interfaces and magic methods in PHP

I want to use interfaces, but some of my implementations rely on magic methods such as __invoke and __call. I have to remove signatures of methods that may be invoked magically (in any implementation) from the interface. Which leads to the anti…
Emanuel Landeholm
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2 answers

Check if a property exists on magically set properties

There is a lot of SO questions about the subject, notably this one, but it does not help me. There is an ambiguity between property_exists and isset so before asking my question, I'm going to pointing it out: property_exists property_exists checks…
Alain Tiemblo
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4 answers

PHP Arrayable Interface

I'm sure I read a while back about a new feature of PHP that was either a new magic method or a new interface so that you could implement Arrayable methods. eg interface Arrayable { public function toArray(); } Was I imagining it?
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2 answers

How to write a static python getitem method?

What do I need to change to make this work? class A: @staticmethod def __getitem__(val): return "It works" print A[0] Note that I am calling the __getitem__ method on the type A.
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3 answers

Why PHP uses static methods in object context?

I have the following code (like, for real, this is my real code) : foo() it displays foo. Why would PHP try to use a static…
Maxime Fabre
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4 answers

How to implement __iadd__ for a Python property

I'm trying to create a Python property where in-place adding is handled by a different method than retrieving the value, adding another value and reassigning. So, for a property x on an object o, o.x += 5 should work differently than o.x = o.x +…
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2 answers

Yii's magic method for controlling all actions under a controller

Commando need's help from you. I have a controller in Yii: class PageController extends Controller { public function actionSOMETHING_MAGIC($pagename) { // Commando will to rendering,etc from here } } I need some magic method under…
0 answers

Magic Methods in JavaScript

Are the any magic(al) methods under JavaScript? I'm explicitly interested in setters, getters and callables (functions/methods), like those we have in PHP: __set, __get and __call && __callStatic. I was googling and searching StackOverflow, but no…
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6 answers

Practical applications of PHP magic methods - __get, __set, and __call

I've generally tried to stay away from PHP's magic methods because they seem to obfuscate an object's public interface. That said, they seem to be used more and more, at least, in the code I've read, so I have to ask: is there any consensus on when…
Major Productions
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2 answers

Custom double star operator for a class?

How does one implement custom double star operator (**) for unpacking, similar to how __iter__ works with single star operator (*)? For example: class PlayerManager(object): def __init__(self, players=None): self.players = players or…
Markus Meskanen
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3 answers

How to implement __isset() magic method in PHP?

I'm trying to make functions like empty() and isset() work with data returned by methods. What I have so far: abstract class FooBase{ public function __isset($name){ $getter = 'get'.ucfirst($name); if(method_exists($this, $getter)) …
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0 answers

List of all Python dunder methods - Which ones do you need to implement to correctly proxy an object?

I'm trying to create an object proxy. Attribute/property lookup can be done by simply implementing the __getattribute__, __setattr__ and __delattr__ methods. However, other functionalities like len(x), x[], bool(x) require other dunder methods like…
1 answer

Why are explicit calls to magic methods slower than "sugared" syntax?

I was messing around with a small custom data object that needs to be hashable, comparable, and fast, when I ran into an odd-looking set of timing results. Some of the comparisons (and the hashing method) for this object simply delegate to an…
Henry Keiter
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2 answers

Python class method chaining

To avoid getting lost in architectural decisions, I'll ask this with an analogous example: lets say I wanted a Python class pattern like this: queue = TaskQueue(broker_conn) queue.region("DFW").task(fn, "some arg") The question here is how do I…
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