Questions tagged [lucene]

The term Lucene refers to the open source Java fulltext search engine library, but also to the entire eco-system that grew around it, including, solr, elasticsearch and zend-search-lucene.

The term "Lucene" refers to the open source Java fulltext search engine library, and also to the entire eco-system that grew around it, including , , and . "Lucene" may also be used to refer to top-level projects like Nutch and Tika which were once sub-projects of Lucene.

Use the "Lucene" tag if either:

  • The question is about the Java library
  • The question is about a port of the library, but would make sense to people who know the Java library (many Lucene.NET questions match this criteria).
  • The question is so general it doesn't apply to a specific implementation (example).


Basic Demo:

A basic "getting started" demo showing how to build and query an index is provided as part of the official documentation:

Basic Demo documentation - (this link is for Lucene v8.7.0. Newer versions may be available)

Links to the demo's source files are provided in the above documentation.

The source code can also be found here on GitHub.

Luke - a Lucene GUI Client:

Luke is a GUI client application which can be used to explore your Lucene indexes. Recent versions of Luke are now provided as part of each binary release, which can be downloaded from here.

After downloading the binary release, unzip it, and go to the luke directory. Launch the client using the provided luke.bat or scripts.

11633 questions
3 answers

How to do a Multi field - Phrase search in Lucene?

Title asks it all... I want to do a multi field - phrase search in Lucene.. How to do it ? for example : I have fields as String s[] = {"title","author","content"}; I want to search harry potter across all fields.. How do I do it ? Can…
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elastic search function_score query performance

I'm doing function_score queries in elastic search. The boost weights of the query are determined ad-hoc (and differ between users). Also, the terms that are queried will differ between users depending on context. An example query might look like…
Avner Barr
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1 answer

Lucene: building an index

I've built a project long time ago using Lucene 4.6. Now currently want to upgrade to 7.3. This project has three files with one class each (with the same name as the file): Main, Indexer, Search. I'm getting a problem in the, more…
Maven Carvalho
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1 answer

Lucene Term Vector Multivariate Bayes Model Expectation Maximization

I am trying to implement an Expectation Maximization algorithm for document clustering. I am planning to use Lucene Term Vectors for finding similarity between 2 documents. There are 2 kinds of EM algos using naive Bayes: the multivariate model…
The Flying Dutchman
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3 answers

JCR-SQL - contains function doesn't escape special characters?

I have the following query string: SELECT jcr:title, jcr:created, jcr:description FROM cq:PageContent WHERE jcr:path LIKE '/content/.../%' AND CONTAINS (., '*') ORDER BY date ASC The problem is that the query is returning all nodes from the given…
3 answers

Solr common keyword/phrases

I am using Solr through PHP for searching all aspects of my site. I am trying to implement a feature and can't find any information on how to accomplish it. I have a group of documents (reviews), each about a specific product. I want to find unique…
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1 answer

Does Elasticsearch score different length shingles with the same IDF?

In Elasticsearch 5.6.5 I'm searching against a field with the following filter applied: "filter_shingle":{ "max_shingle_size":"4", "min_shingle_size":"2", "output_unigrams":"true", "type":"shingle" } When I perform a search for…
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1 answer

How do I NOT analyze a clause in the lucene query parser?

I'm using the Lucene query parser for a simple search front-end and I'm running into some problems. Each record that I'm storing has some fields that are analyzed and some fields that are not analyzed. When I try to use the query parser to…
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1 answer

How to aggregate a query by days in Elasticsearch?

I need a query that would return data from the last year, grouped by days. So far I have written a query that returns data for the entire year (I hope its correct), but I dont know how to group the data by day. "query" : { "range" : { …
Jan Pisl
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0 answers

Override class for plugin in ElasticSearch

I'm working on a ElasticSearch plugin to retrieve the total frequency of a searched term. I've already created a maven project and successfully deployed my test plugin into ElasticSearch but I have no idea how to write/override a function to perform…
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1 answer

Geospatial search with timestamp using Lucene

I have an assignment to find cab drivers close to a given user's location(similar to Grab/Lyft). I have the drivers' location(latitude, longitude) with timestamp. This data is pushed by their mobile to my server every 2 minutes. When a user requests…
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4 answers

Lucene numeric range search with LUKE

I have a number of numeric Lucene indexed fields: 60000 78500 105000 If I use LUKE to query for 78500 as follows: price:78500 It returns the correct record, however if I try to return all three record as a range I get no results. price:[60000 TO…
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4 answers

Is it possible to run several map task in one JVM?

I want to share large in memory static data(RAM lucene index) for my map tasks in Hadoop? Is there way for several map/reduce tasks to share same JVM?
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0 answers

enabling RAMDirectoryFactory in solr-5.50 showing zero segment size on interface

I am trying to load a solr core (35MB for testing) in memory for faster request serving. For loading whole core in memory, I got to know of using RAMDirectoryFactory in my core's solrconfig.xml file. I replaced the default DirectoryFactory…
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2 answers

Using Hibernate Search to Rate Result

Is it possible for hibernate search to sort result according to best match after it has search result from the database
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