Questions tagged [lookup-tables]

A look-up table is an array or matrix of data that contains items that can be searched. Lookup tables may be arranged as key-value pairs, where the keys are the data items being searched (looked up) and the values are either the actual data or pointers to where the data are located.

A look - up table is an array or matrix of data that contains items that are searched. Lookup tables may be arranged as key-value pairs, where the keys are the data items being searched (looked up) and the values are either the actual data or pointers to where the data are located.

706 questions
1 answer

SQL Server Denormalize Table and Still Link to a Foreign Key

I have 2 tables & 1 lookup table: tbl 1 (this houses a persons info from a survey): CREATE TABLE SurveyCustomerInfoTbl ( [SurveyID] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Age] int NOT NULL, [Gender] int NOT NULL, [Race] int NOT NULL, …
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4 answers

Optimization using look up table

I have made some c code for a program, which does some psycho-acoustics on sound data. There is a piece of code which runs very slowly. I think it would be best to use a look up table. How would one go about implementing it? Any pointers or help…
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1 answer

How to show the Non Blank value in Excel

I have a certain Sheet example below, and I would like to get the non blank only. Does excel has a certain code that will show the same below? Result || 2/1 || 2/2 || 2/3 || 2/4 Happy || (blank) || (blank) || (blank) …
1 answer

SAS lookup tables to match data

I am trying to create a scoring table by looking up a grading system table. There are three teachers grade all the students, and they have their own way of grading. I am trying standardize students' marks by mapping to the look up table. My tables…
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Embedded Software - Why is 'const' necessary in lookup table?

I was just watching this video on LinkedIn Learning that was talking about Lookup tables and it mentioned that without the 'const' qualifier, the array will be allocated in RAM and initial assignment takes place during startup and the whole table…
1 answer

How to apply LUT (from .png) to an image? (Swift + Xcode)

I am trying to apply a LUT to an image by pressing a button. Because, I am new to programming I mostly copied code and tried to modify it for my own project. I get no error messages, but when I try to press the button there is no effect on the…
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2 answers

Access Records/Rows disappearing from lookup table

Access 2013 I have a simple lookup table that twice in the last month a record (different record on each occasion) has disappeared. Since the auto id of the table is used as the foreign key I am forced to drop the table and recreate it. I don't…
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1 answer

select based on lookup table

I have following problem. I want to select data from one table based on lookup table. This is the easy part. But in the results I want a new column which is based on the lookup table. Here a example…
2 answers

How to implement Lookup Tables?

I am unable to grasp the concept of the lookup table. I am currently working on a project wherein I am using two tables. The first table consists of two columns- name(varchar) and value(varchar). The second table also has two rows-…
b s
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Easy way to combine two lists into a lookup KVP that maps between the two lists

I have two lists, lets say OtherColors = Color[] { Color.FromRgb(1,0,0), Color.FromRgb(0,0,1), Color.FromRgb(1,0,15), }; Colors = Color[] { Color.FromRgb(1,4,4), Color.FromRgb(5,6,66), …
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r lookup function returning negative dates

I am new to R. I have a table with some missing data that I would like to update from a reference table. Sample data table: df1=data.frame(id=c(1:5),dob=as.Date(c("1/1/2001" …
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Possible to create a dictionary type data structure in VHDL?

Essentially what I would like to do, is I will have an std_logic_vector coming into my sub-module, and based upon the first 8 bits of that vector, I want to do certain things. Essentially this is an opcode. However just feeding this into an ALU…
Fetts Vett
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Loading lookup table from server - Efficient Format

If I had a python script that created a lookup table which could be read by a webpage (javascript and maybe ajax), what is the most efficient (in speed and if possible size) format to use? The lookup-table could have 2000 rows. Here is a data…
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Google Sheets ArrayFormula with Index or Offset

I am making a spreadsheet template to convert database information and am looking for a more automated way of doing this. Currently I have a Catalog of items and a List of Assets. My goal is to read all the assets' Product Name and look it up in the…
Caleb Dean
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The best optimal way to find the frequency in a very very long string

I have to find a very optimal way to find the frequency of a character in a very very long file containing words,(cases are ignored, should count both Lower case and Upper case) using C/C++. I already know one which is this (here i am reading…
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