Questions tagged [linearlayoutmanager]

A RecyclerView.LayoutManager implementation which provides similar functionality to ListView. It was introduced with the Android L Developer Preview along with RecyclerView, but is also available as part of the Support Library.

LinearLayoutManager is an implementation of RecyclerView.LayoutManager which provides similar functionality to ListView, i.e., it arranges items in a linear arrangement, either horizontal or vertical, much like LinearLayout ViewGroup. It was introduced with the Android L Developer Preview along with RecyclerView, but is also available as part of the Support Library.

Official Documentation

Other RecyclerView.LayoutManager implementations:

160 questions
1 answer

How to get non focused recyclerview item using position android

I want to update the recyclerview adapter item's textview value dynamically with some data. For that i'm doing this way: View mRecyclerView = linearLayoutManager.getChildAt(viewPosition); TextView textView=(TextView)…
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I need my RecyclerView to scroll to a position in given time

I need my RecyclerView to smoothly scroll to a position in given amount of time. How can I implement this?
1 answer

findFragmentById on back button becomes blank as size becomes zero

Here's my Flow/Structure: Activity Fragment Same Fragment within it. I have overriden removeCurrentFragment() method which does go back functionality by removing Fragment by ID as follows - @Override public void removeCurrentFragment() { …
2 answers

How to force recyclerview to have dynamic height changing items?

Actually I'm trying to use recyclerview as a viewpager which is working fine by the help of PagerSnapHelper() class . But now the problem is how can I force recyclerview to change item heights dynamically and not show white space . Now when I try to…
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Android Recyclerview : change row from linear to grid on button click

On button click I want to change list view to gridview as on shopping-cart pages but my layout looks like link shown below. //For displaying the row as linear list view case ivList.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); …
2 answers

LinearLayoutManager vs GridLayoutManager

I don't have any coding question or something, I had this application that populates (from a webservice) a gridlayoutmanager recyclerview of 2 rows and now the client wants it to be a List. I just want to ask which is better for the performance…
2 answers

Android custom LayoutManager for first element in RecycleView

I would like to implement RecycleView with layout that looks like the left image on this link I only want first element to have 100% width of the row, other rows should be seperated into…
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How to custom LinearLayoutManager?

Like this effect (show half of the item) how to achieve it,I try to use custom LinearLayoutManager, but failed because I cannot understand onMeasure method.
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Recyclerview findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition is not correct?

Since I addData, and called the notifyDataSetChanged(), then I use the findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition method immediately, the result is not correct.then I use a postDelay, it's result become correct, why can this be? And how can i know…
1 answer

How to make recyclerview height to wrap_content?

How to make the height of recyclerView to wrap_content so that there is no scrollbar shown in it.I want to make it's height to be as long as the content and i don't want the scrollbar in it, but when i try to add the contents to recyclerView it,…
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