Questions tagged [libressl]

LibreSSL is a version of the TLS/SSL protocol forked from OpenSSL.

LibreSSL is a version of the //crypto stack forked from in 2014.

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50 questions
1 answer

Why did Net-SSLeay stop installing on macOS via a GitHub workflow?

I have my dotfiles install via GitHub workflows whenever I push changes. About a week ago, my CPAN installs stopped working. Here's a log sample from today: 2020-07-16T20:19:35.8952930Z 35665 DONE resolve (0.049sec) Net::SSLeay -> Net-SSLeay-1.88…
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LibreSSL 3.0.2 compile error on Solaris 10 : undefined reference to symbol 'SHA512Final'

We are trying to compile LibreSSSL 3.0.2 on Solaris 10. We are using the GNU gcc 4.6.2 and have the following problem: Making all in tests make[1]: Entering directory `/users/login/e486530/openssh81/libressl-3.0.2/tests' CCLD …
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Running pip generates cryptography.exceptions.InternalError: Unknown OpenSSL error

I attempted to upgrade pip from 9.x to 19.3.1. Initially, this traceback prompts just when issuing pip. Now it happens when attempting pip list/install/uninstall. I've tried a few things including the solution here: 'pip install' fails for every…
1 answer

What is the right way to install IO::Socket::SSL using Carton and custom LibreSSL/OpenSSL

Perl framework Mojolicious uses optional module IO::Socket::SSL for secured connections. Mojolicious and IO::Socket::SSL must be installed using Carton (cpanfile contains dependencies list). In order to use IO::Socket::SSL I need to have Net::SSLeay…
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Transfer HTTP connection to HTTPS in Pure C

I am having a serious problem transferring my HTTP connection socket program over to HTTPS connection socket code, how do I make only an HTTPS connection in pure C? I am working on a package manager and am rewriting the connection.c file, the only…
1 answer

Does Apple accept iOS apps with statically linked OpenSSL in the app store?

This question is not really technical in nature but it is clearly answerable with yes/no and so I hope its fine if I ask it here on StackOverflow. My scenario is as follows: In order to share code between iOS and Android I'm using C++ for much of…
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How to run Java SpringBoot apps in Alpine with OpenSSL

Problem Running a Java application in Alpine Linux breaks when TLS calls are made Some libraries like Apache's commons-crypto uses Native libraries like openssl for some of the calls Specifically…
Marcello de Sales
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4 answers

`dotnet new command` in openSuse causes `No usable version of the libssl was found` error

I'm trying to develop .NET Core in openSuse. I did install the SDK and everything in tutorials. Now, when I try to run dotnet new console command, I get this error: No usable version of the libssl was found Aborted (core dumped) I found this…
amiry jd
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1 answer

NodeJS aes gcm invalid suite type error

I am trying to use default crypto package from node and encrypt some data using aes-256-gcm mode. The code looks like below: var crypto = require('crypto'); function encrypt() { var sessionKey = Buffer.from(crypto.randomBytes(32)); const iv…
1 answer

Does cached SSL session hold previous X.509 certificate info?

When we re-use previously saved SSL_SESSION, does the reused SSL session have orignal X.509 peer certificate? My code crashes very infrequently and investigation showed that the SSL session is reused and the some fields of peer…
Chul-Woong Yang
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nexus 3.2 on docker alpine 3.5 (libressl)

I run nexus 3.2 in a docker container running alpine linux 3.4 without problems. I started to upgrade to alpine linux 3.5 which uses libressl, and now nexus will not run using https. Is this a known issue ?
0 answers

Building python-cryptography with LibreSSL on Windows

I'd like to build cryptography module for Python 3.5 on Windows 7 x64 with Visual Studio 2015 and link it to LibreSSL. I tried to follow the guide in the docs for manual builds and have set INCLUDE and LIB to appropriate LibreSSL dirs. But I'm…
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Server uses LibreSSL and Client uses wolfSSL.. Will this communication be success? Please advice

My server running on PC uses LibreSSL My client running on board uses wolfSSL Will handshake be success?
Dilip ND
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Why passwords are needed for the net and pvK formats of `openssl rsa`?

I see that net and pvk requires passwords. Why they are needed but pem and der do not require them? Thanks. $ openssl genrsa -out key.pem 1024 Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long…
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1 answer

Difference between `openssl genrsa` and `openssl genpkey -algorithm rsa`?

It seems that both of the following commands (openssl from LibreSSL) produce private keys. Is there a difference between them? If not, why there are two ways to generate the private keys? Thanks. openssl genrsa -out key.pem 1024 openssl genpkey…
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