Questions tagged [libraries]

Use this tag for questions about software libraries. This tag is NOT for questions about computer programs used in public lending libraries or other brick-and-mortar libraries. Questions asking us to recommend or find a library are off-topic.

A library is a collection of non-volatile resources used by programs on a computer, often to develop software.

Libraries contain code and data that provide services to independent programs. This encourages the sharing and changing of code and data in a modular fashion, and eases the distribution of the code and data. Library files are not executable programs. They are either static libraries that are merged with an executable when the executable is being compiled and linked, making them "statically linked", or they are dynamic libraries that are loaded by a dynamic linker while the executable is running, making them "dynamically linked". The dynamic linker may also allow an application to explicitly request that a module be loaded and to obtain references to routines in the module; this can be used to implement plug-ins.

The above was taken from the Wikipedia entry Library (computing).

Questions asking us to recommend or find a library, documentation or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam.

3030 questions
1 answer

Libraries in /usr/local/lib not found

I am building an application using a framework called ohNet. After building the framework, there is the possibility to install the framework via make install. By default the libraries are installed inside the /usr/local/[lib|include] folders. ok. I…
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6 answers

how to include libraries in java without using an IDE

How do I import libraries in my java program without using an IDE like Netbeans? In Netbeans I do it this way: How can I achieve the same thing by just using notepad++ or programmer's notepad. As much as possible I don't want to use Netbeans…
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3 answers

Web Scraping with Scala

Just wondering if anyone knows of a web-scraping library that takes advantage of Scala's succinct syntax. So far, I've found Chafe, but this seems poorly-documented and maintained. I'm wondering if anyone out there has done scraping with Scala and…
Michael Tingley
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16 answers

What programming languages are good for statistics?

I'm doing a bit more statistical analysis on some things lately, and I'm curious if there are any programming languages that are particularly good for this purpose. I know about R, but I'd kind of prefer something a bit more general-purpose (or is…
Jason Baker
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2 answers

Could not get unknown property 'config' for type$GoogleServicesPluginConfig

I'm trying to upgrade my libraries from : classpath '' to classpath '' and I'm getting below error :
Solanki Zeel
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7 answers

Library design: allow user to decide between "header-only" and dynamically linked?

I have created several C++ libraries that currently are header-only. Both the interface and the implementation of my classes are written in the same .hpp file. I've recently started thinking that this kind of design is not very good: If the user…
Vittorio Romeo
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13 answers

fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'kernel32.lib'

I've been getting this error ever since I installed the .NET Framework SDK for 64-bit programming on my Visual C++ 2010 Express compiler. I can't compile even a simple program at all because of this single error I'm getting. My platform is x86. Here…
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4 answers

Angular 6 library shared stylesheets

How can you setup a index.scss and import global stylesheets for variables, mixins, etc, to an angular 6 library? Angular CLI generates a lib with a root component & component scss, but the styles added or imported to the root component are not…
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4 answers

python libraries for ssh handling

I'm going to write first code for handling ssh commands on python and I did search over the stackoverflow and can see that there are several python libraries that can be used for handling commands passed through ssh, like paramiko, pexpect and…
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2 answers

The abbreviation impl is used in a lot of libraries; What does it mean?

I've seen impl used as namespaces and as a class suffix in a number of different .net and Java libraries. I just want to know what it means and why it is used.
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3 answers

What module(s) do I need to include to get 5.seconds to work in Ruby?

Because apparently require 'date' doesn't include the method hours or seconds etc: undefined method `hours' for 5:Fixnum (NoMethodError) Am I missing something? Is 5.seconds only something you can do in Rails? If so, what is the require statement I…
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5 answers

MathML and Java

I've been doing some research for a mathematical Android related project I'd like to embark upon and I stumbled across for the first time MathML. Does anyone know of any Java libraries which can do any (preferably all) of the following…
Tom R
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5 answers

How do I use external crates in Rust?

I'm trying to work with the rust-http library, and I'd like to use it as the basis for a small project. I have no idea how to use something that I can't install via rustpkg install . In fact, I found out today that rustpkg is now…
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10 answers

How important is Boost to learn for C++ developers?

I am curious to learn Boost. But I wanted to ask: How important is it to make the effort to learn Boost? What prerequisites should one have before jumping on Boost? Why I am curious to know about Boost is that many people are talking about Boost…
Namratha Patil
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2 answers

Installing Eigen on Mac OS X for XCode

A while back it was a nightmare for me trying to get Eigen up and running on my mac for XCode, but a friend managed to figure it out and shared the instructions with me. I don't want anyone to go through what I went through, so here's an…
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