Questions tagged [lf]

Line Feed is a special character (unicode U+000A).

Line Feed is a special character (unicode U+000A), (ASCII: '\n', 0x0A, 10 in decimal). Line feed (LF) and carriage return (CR) are closely associated to represent end of line (EOL).

68 questions
1 answer

Notepad++ search LF with regex

I need to find specific part of text that contains LF symbols, but I can't use \n because it is avialible only in Extended search mode (without regex). Is there any implementation of LF symbol in regexs or any hack in Notepad++? If no, can you…
1 answer

Jekyll LF/CRLF issue with git

I have a Jekyll folder in which only the production part (_site) is tracked with git. When I run the command to serve the local site with jekyll serve -w, the files will be changed to LF or CRLF depending on the machine I'm working on: CRLF for…
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2 answers

regexp to replace LF within quotations

I was looking for some help in regards to a csv file that i am trying to upload into a database. The problem I have is that within a csv I have a field of text with quotations and within this text I have a problem where users have added a carriage…
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2 answers

C# \n, \r\n or Environment.NewLine

As the heading implies, would I be best to use \n, \r\n or System.Environment.NewLine for line breaks in my C# applications? I have a console, WinForms and WPF app which at present all use \n (where required), but in my console app I have found that…
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C++ stdin and stdout conversion between CR+LF and LF and CR

Ok I am planning on making a file for storing data that I will be importing into a program. This program is to be compiled for Linux, Windows, and potentially Mac. Now what I really want to know is would I need these data files to be slightly…
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3 answers

Javascript. Reduce an array by adding only odd numbers. Javascript returns NaN when I use %2 on a number with if

I am trying to sum all odd numbers of an array. The following method does not work and returns NaN. Could someone explain me why? I found a workaround so I do not need an alternative code. It would be great if you could explain me why (a supposed…
6 answers

scanf reads every double wrong

I have the following code: int main(void) { double r; scanf("lf",&r); printf("%lf\n",r); } Any value I enter returns a nonsense-number with about 40-50 digits. scanf works fine with chars, integers, strings etc., but with doubles I…
1 answer

Removing the LF in codeblocks

How do i remove the LF at the end of each line in code blocks? Thanks in advance.
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