Questions tagged [letter]

a character representing one or more of the sounds used in speech; any of the symbols of an alphabet.

368 questions
5 answers

One letter game Issue?

Recently at a job interview I was given the following problem: Write a script capable of running on the command line as python It should take in two words on the command line (or optionally if you'd prefer it can query the user to supply the two…
Alex Ksikes
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3 answers

How to compute letter frequency similarity?

Given this data (relative letter frequency from both languages): spanish => 'e' => 13.72, 'a' => 11.72, 'o' => 8.44, 's' => 7.20, 'n' => 6.83, english => 'e' => 12.60, 't' => 9.37, 'a' => 8.34, 'o' => 7.70, 'n' => 6.80, And then computing the…
Matías Insaurralde
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1 answer

Determine letter based on row and col - python

So I'm pretty upset I can't figure something this seemingly trivial out as I'm fairly well versed in Java, but anyways my professor for introduction to Python assigned us a lab where we have to create a pattern with letters based on row and column…
Sam Nayerman
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2 answers

Convert Number to Unicode sign

I have to print out the letters from A to Z each for itself. So I tried the following: for(var i = 65; i < 91; i++) { $('#alphabet').append('
' + '%' + i + '
'); } My idea is to use the decimal numbers of the letters…
Stefan Surkamp
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8 answers

Find the word with most letters in common with other words

I want Perl (5.8.8) to find out what word has the most letters in common with the other words in an array - but only letters that are in the same place. (And preferably without using libs.) Take this list of words as an…
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3 answers

SQL query that can find Typos in Arabic language

I want to make a dictionary and I need to have a query that can find words with misspelling (I mean Typos / spelling error or typo), if the query could not find exact word then try to get with other spellings... So what is Arabic: In Arabic there…
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3 answers

Latex Letter: From Address Left aligned

This is my first time using Latex to write a letter. I am using the letter class. When I use: \address{100 From Address \\ City, State \\ Pin} The from address becomes right aligned. Is there someway I can make this left aligned. The format of the…
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3 answers

How write all possible words in php?

Possible Duplicate: Generate all combinations of arbitrary alphabet up to arbitrary length I'm trying to make write all possible words of 10 letters(zzzzzzzzzz) in php. How can I do that? it will look like that : I…
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3 answers

How to count Letters inside a string?

My Code: function letterCounter(str) { var letters = 0; var alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; for (var i=0; i
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6 answers

C#: I want every letter of a word to begin in a new line

using System; class HelloCSharp { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Hello C#"); } } I want the output to be: H e l l o C # but every letter should start on a new line I am new I know but I keep searching and can't…
test player
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4 answers

How can I get a list of the words that have six or more consonants in a row using the grep command?

I want to find a list of words that contain six or more consonants in a row from a number of text files. I'm pretty new to the Unix terminal, but this is what I have tried: cat *.txt | grep -Eo "\w+" | grep -i "[^AEOUIaeoui]{6}" I use the cat…
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5 answers

Java SortMap Comparator to have digit keys ordered after letter keys

I need a SortedMap where the Charachter keys are sorted this way: ('A'..'Z'..'0'..'9'), so character first, then digits, all in ascending order. This is what I have tried so far, however, the output shows it fails in returning the sorting I want,…
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9 answers

Count letters in a word in python debug

I am trying to count the number of times 'e' appears in a word. def has_no_e(word): #counts 'e's in a word letters = len(word) count = 0 while letters >= 0: if word[letters-1] == 'e': count = count + 1 …
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1 answer

How do I check if a string contains at least one number, letter, and character that is neither a number or letter?

The language is javascript. Strings that would pass: JavaScript1* Pu54 325 ()9c Strings that would not pass: 654fff %^(dFE I tried the following: var matches = password.match(/\d+/g); if(matches != null) { //password contains a number …
Michael Drum
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5 answers

How to move all capital letters to the beginning of the string?

I've been practicing simple solutions using what I've been learning / known. The question I've faced is, how to move the capital letters in the string to the front? I've solved it, but it's not to my expectation as my original idea was to → find the…
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