Questions tagged [laravel-6.2]

Laravel 6.2 of the open-source PHP web framework created by Taylor Otwell. It was released in October 2019. Use it in addition to the [laravel-6] tag if your question is specific to Laravel 6.2. Use the [laravel] tag for general Laravel related questions.

What is new in v6.2.0:

  • Added support for callable objects in Container::call()
  • Add multipolygonz type for postgreSQL
  • Add “unauthenticated” method in auth middleware
  • Add partialMock shorthand
  • Allow Storage::put to accept a Psr StreamInterface
  • Implement new password rule and password confirmation
  • Remove unnecessary param passed to updatePackageArray method
  • Add optional connection name to DatabaseUserProvider
  • Remove brackets arround URL php artisan server
  • Apply limit to database rather than collection
  • Allow to use scoped macro in nested queries
  • Added array to json conversion for sqlite
  • Use the policies() method instead of the property policies
  • Split hasValidSignature method
  • Fixed: validateDimensions() handle image/svg MIME


226 questions
1 answer

Laravel 6.2 can't get property of data retrieved from database

I have a question regarding showing data from my database in Laravel. I get the following error: Trying to get property 'first_name' of non-object It refers to this line of code: @foreach ($contact as $c)

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