Questions tagged [kramdown]

kramdown (sic, not Kramdown or KramDown, just kramdown) is a free MIT-licensed Ruby library for parsing and converting a superset of Markdown. It is completely written in Ruby, supports standard Markdown (with some minor modifications) and various extensions that have been made popular by the PHP Markdown Extra package and Maruku.

kramdown (sic, not Kramdown or KramDown, just kramdown) is a free MIT-licensed Ruby library for parsing and converting a superset of Markdown. It is completely written in Ruby, supports standard Markdown (with some minor modifications) and various extensions that have been made popular by the PHP Markdown Extra package and Maruku.

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188 questions
0 answers

Can I parse raw style element in Kramdown?

i want to parse raw style element in markdown file. but Kramdown change spaces to   like below. from to
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Allowing syntax highlighting of kramdown footnotes while preventing highlighting in code blocks in vim

vim's default syntax highlighting for markdown is based on vanilla markdown, which considers every tab or four-space indented line to be the beginning of a code block. From markdown.vim: syn region markdownCodeBlock start=" \|\t" end="$"…
Kyle Barbour
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Insert script inside markdown (kramdown) table with newline

I am using Jekyll to generate a website, I am using kramdown to parse the markdown. I have a script that I would like to have evaluated inside a table cell. However the script needs a new line in it for kramdown/jekyll to parse it properly.…
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Tune output markup for code block in Jekyll (kramdown)

Jekyll (kramdown, actually) turns code ```xml ``` into HTML block
Is this possible to add another class and atributes to this…
Varvara Stepanova
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How to assign a version in gem/bundle in Octopress

As you can see I have two version of kramdown. I want to use kramdown 1.0.2 in my Octopress. How can I assign it? ➜ octopress git:(source) ✗ kramdown --version 1.0.2 ➜ octopress git:(source) ✗ bundle show…
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Not able to add class="CodeRay" in Octopress

I am using kramdown in Octopress for a while. I wanted to add CodeRay to my Octopress. I installed coderay. ➜ octopress git:(source) ✗ sudo gem install coderay Password: Successfully installed coderay-1.0.9 1 gem installed Installing ri…
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2 answers

Unicode weirdness with octopress, kramdown, and Heroku

I have an Octopress blog that I host on Heroku using jgarber's custom buildpack. I had things working fairly well as long as I stuck with rdiscount, but I recently decided to switch to kramdown for the MultiMarkdown support. That's when things got…
Hank Gay
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Octopress kramdown generate error for tags with ':'

I want to use kramdown tags with ':' in them, ie. {:toc} and coderay code blocks {:lang="javascript"} in my Octopress blog but I keep getting this error when running rake generate: [my user…
Julia Anne Jacobs
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