Questions tagged [katalon-studio]

Katalon Studio is a desktop application for automation testing. Use this tag for issues related to Katalon Studio application. Katalon Studio supports scripting using groovy and Java, and integrates with several tools. Please use additional tags if your question is specific to groovy, Java, Git and/or other technologies integrated with Katalon-Studio.

Katalon Studio is a desktop application for automation testing (see ) of web applications, SOAP/REST web services, and mobile applications.

Main features:

  • Free and
  • Provides project templates for organizing test cases, object repository, and keywords
  • Fully supports Web, Android, iOS and API testing on all operating systems
  • Tool integration, easy to integrate with , , and with native plugins
  • Data-driven testing
  • Comprehensive reports generation
  • Scripting supports using and
  • Windows 10 application testing (from Version 7.0)

Online help:

Need help with Katalon Studio? Refer to their official tutorial or ask a question in katalon community

Related tags:


702 questions
2 answers

katalon studio open browser once in a while

This is my code. The username and password variable gets value from excel file. if i execute the code, opens a new browser for each every row ( in excel ). I'am searching for a command or else for open browse one time, at the…
1 answer

How can i convert below Katalon Custom Keyword in to Selenium

Need to Convert below Katalon code into selenium, May I Know what area needs to be Converted? package nasdaqKeyword import ... public class accesstoTable { private String table_date(String trid){ …
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2 answers

Groovy scripting

I am working with API automation in groovy. I have created an HTTP post request. I got the response in json format as below: {"Response":"result","data":"234556667","status":"6"} Now I want to extract only the "data" which will be dynamic…
2 answers

Xcode 10.3 failing to run on iOS 13 iPhone 6s - This iPhone 6s is running iOS 13.1, which may not be supported by this version of Xcode version 10.3

Can somebody help me out to fix this issue. I have iPhone 6s [iOS: 13.1] and Xcode version 10.3 installed in my Mac book. Now I am unable to run the WebDriverAgent as it does not support the iOS version. So somebody who is using Xcode 11 or higher…
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2 answers

Is it possible to use MQ with Katalon?

I'm trying to find informations which explain how use IBM MQ with Katalon. However, I didn't found any informations about that... Do you know if it is possible? With a plugin? A custom Java/Groovy code? I hope that someone could give an answer to…
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2 answers

Katalon - get the no of rows in excel

Create a Test data in the Data Files section, and get the values during the runtime of my test script, below is my code TestData data = findTestData('Advanced Search') data.changeSheet('RecordCount') for (int excelRow : (1..5)) { selectQuery0 =…
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1 answer

XPATH Input Tag Query - Katalon Studio

I wanted to read the text of "TestData.txt" from the below HTML Code. There is huge html code in the original page. Sharing the below content for reference. There are few more input tags on the top to the below mentioned HTML code. Can you please…
Venkat D
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1 answer

Why Jenkins failure with Error : Exit 9009

I am trying to deploy a Katalon Testcase to Jenkins but some errors appear, such as: is not recognized as an internal or external command Exit 9009
Vu Phuong Nam
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1 answer

Why is My Jenkins not work with TestSuit of Katalon

My TestCase run in Katalon: OK. My TestSuit run in Jenkins: Not OK. I don't know why? I checked config and it is OK. I think the related issue is that Jenkins installation is wrong.
Vu Phuong Nam
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1 answer

Anyone knows, how Katalon finding xpath while running a webpage on the browser?

I would like to understand more on how is Katalon identifying web element's xpath while the user is hovering the mouse on the webpage. It works just like how the inspect element from web developer tools work. Can someone explain the actual code of…
1 answer

unable to record a WebUI using katalon studio

I tried to record a web UI and run the test using Katalon studio. To record web, I entered the URL in web recorder and selected chrome as the browser. The browser is opened but not the site. Instead, I received error messages. The same case happened…
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1 answer

How to close alert pop up window in Katalon extension?

Please, check the below link. How to close this:
Renu Thakur
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4 answers

Accept everything in java if condition

today I wrote a programm that automaticaly checks if an Netflix account is working or not. But I'm struggling at a point where I need to accept all the country codes in the URL. I wanted to use something like * in linux but my IDE is giving me…
1 answer

Katalon Studio: executeJavascript method works in test run, but no change in browser

In Katalon Studio, I have created a test whereby at some point I want to change an element's background colour to blue. I use this instruction in my script:…
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2 answers

Moving on from Selenium IDE

I work in a small firm whose product is a relatively simple web-based software. For the last several years we have used Selenium IDE and it's record-and-play functionality. It has delivered 98% of what we need. However, now that Selenium IDE will no…
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