Questions tagged [jsse]

JSSE is a Java implementation of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. Its functionality includes data encryption, server authentication, message integrity, and optional client authentication.

JSSE stands for Java Secure Socket Extension. It is a Java implementation of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. Its functionality includes data encryption, server authentication, message integrity, and optional client authentication.

It is so named because originally it was shipped as a separate extension to Java 1.2 and 1.3. Since Java 1.4 it has been part of the standard Java API.

This tag should be used for questions about TLS or SSL programming in Java.

288 questions
1 answer

JSSE wrap creates two tls packets requiring two unwraps. Why?

I am inspecting the behavior of our java application with respect to jsse tls encryption and decryption with a connected openssl client. First I observed that when I call unwrap for client data, it always unwraps consuming 37 bytes and producing 0.…
Steffen Heil
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2 answers

SSLException: Invalid padding Unwrapping TLS Application Data

Several months ago I developed an SSL web server using NIO and the SSLEngine. GET requests work great as do small POST requests (under ~10KB). However, I'm getting sporadic SSLException exceptions, when I POST anything larger than that. For…
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Is it possible to edit the supported ciphersuite list in Java

Is it possible to add ciphersuites to the Java supported ciphersuites list that I could get using: getSupportedCipherSuites();
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JMeter SSL Manager doesnt work

Im trying to use client ssl certificate in JMeter to authenticate on website. The problem is that when i try to import it in SSL Manager, im not getting any message for password, anything. In configuration i've…
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0 answers

Trying to connect gmail and get inbox from the server in JAVA?

I am trying to connect gmail and get inbox from the server. I can connect to gmail and log in my account. When I send them to the socket output.println( "A01 lOGIN " + userName + " " + password ); output.flush(); I can get response from the socket.…
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1 answer

Solutions to sign certificates

For a system with multiple application servers and multiple clients, I would like to introduce mutual authentication as well as other security protections provided by TLS. The servers and clients may be located on different networks as well as on…
Mickael Marrache
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Keystore's password management

A keystore (no matter if it's used for "keystores" or "truststores") is initialized after creation using the load() method. One version expects an InputStream corresponding to the keystore file, and the password to decrypt the file. Providing the…
Mickael Marrache
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1 answer

How to verify server (peer) name after x509 SSL/TLS handshake using SSLEngine?

I'm using SSLEngine with NIO for non-blocking TLS communication. The engine is working fine, and is able to validate the CA trust, the validity period of the server certificate. But what I'm missing is a validation that the certificate subject name…
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How to send a params to the SocketFactory in Ldap

The meaning of following example code is not important, what I want to ask is how to send the "certFileName" in to socketFactory as a params, for I need to use different certFile to different endPoint, thanks public class LdapConnection { …
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How to ensure server certificate is created with which private key through java

Customer has created key and certificate using openssl command below openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -sha1 -keyout OCkey.pem -out OCreq.pem -subj "/C=country/L=city/O=OCserver/OU=myLab/CN=OCserverName/" -config req.conf openssl ca -in OCreq.pem -cert…
Kanagavelu Sugumar
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1 answer

Working with, when ever I try to read a cert from it it always points to wrong path

I am trying to read a cert with file IO , every time I try accessing my cert under testApp/src/main/resources -> cert it always reads X:\workspace1\testApp\target\classes\cert\test.p12 And here is my code that I am using, It always exceptions out…
Kishore Jetty
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1 answer

Java SSL connection error - Invalid keystore format

I'm creating a server and client all-in-one chat application and I'm trying to switch to an SSL connection. I created a keystore.jks and a certificate file (.cer) but now when the program tries to make a connection the acting client throws: Caused…
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Browser don't receive data from proxy java

I'm trying to do a java proxy, the http part work fine, but i have a problem with SSL part. I get the connect request, then i create a socket to connect to the website and i can get html code (if i write it in a file and launch this file with…
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1 answer

Java application SSLSockets - Authentication

I'm developing a Java application and I need to send a couple strings to the server through a Secure Sockets, i have to use my own certificate generated by a trusted CA The file certificate is myOwnCRT.crt Client InputStream is = new…
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1 answer

What versions of Java will support TLS1.1

What versions of Java will support TLS1.1 I just need the exact java version and update like JDK 7uXX Reason for this question I am facing an issue connecting TLS1.1 with Java 1.7 . In most of the document I have read its supports but we have to…
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