Questions tagged [jquery-isotope]

Isotope is a client-side jQuery plugin that allows masonry-style grid and table layouts, along with data sorting and filtering, to enable dynamic relayout of elements on a page.

Isotope has similarities to Masonry and Packery; in fact, it utilizes both and adds sorting and filtering capabilities.

This library is distributed with two distinct licenses: open source (GPLv3) and commercial.

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1675 questions
2 answers

jQuery isotope sort price

I'm not having much luck in getting correct sorts with pricing as I belive the $ sign is interfering but I cannot get the replace function to work. My HTML $486.15 My jquery function price : function( $elem…
1 answer

Create isotope container without white space

I am using the isotope plugin. I am trying to package images in a div. I am having the issues wear the items are not packaging properly and there are large white spaces There are three size images I am using large - 500px medium - 250 px small -…
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Jquery code doesn't work well on firefox/ie

I have the following code (on jsfiddle here) $(function(){ var $container = $('#gallery'); $container.isotope({ filter: '*', animationOptions: { duration: 750, easing: 'linear', queue:…
Nick Ginanto
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Binding Window Size In Jquery

I am developing isotope gallery, The problem I am gettings is when the window size shrinks or expands the images overlap sometimes until you click the navigation again. It loads fine when using: jQuery(window).load(function($) { //
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Using Isotope as a portfolio sorter

So i'm trying to setup isotope to be my portfolio sorter.. Here I have my filters set up using data-filter.
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hide html elements but keep them part of isotope

I have elements(divs) in jquery that have display none. They are still given space in the fitting. I now I can filter them out, but that seems to have other consequences I guess it would help to state what I am attempting to do. I want to display an…
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How to integrate fancybox with isotope?

I have been through the other answers here as well as a few other sites and I cannot get any of the solutions to work. Any assistance would be MUCH appreciated! I am creating a portfolio site. I have a "show all" section as well as categories. If I…
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jQuery: isotope sorting by unix datestamp

I'm trying to sort an isotope grid by date, each grid item being a wordpress post, thus the unix date stamp is called like so . Which re-produces in the front end (in date order, from most recent…
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Isotope plugin - output messy until refresh

I'm having a hard time making isotope jquery plugin to work. I have implemented it correctly as per the plugin's page instructions, but now I am in front of a peculiar issue. Upon page load, I get this result: When I reload the page though, the…
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2 answers

AngularJS ng-repeat with isotope and AJAX

I get data with ajax, then i need to display it in my view and use isotope on DOM elements which i get with ng-repeat. So, i need to call $scope.$apply(); Then i get error: "digest already in progress". I tried to use "safe-apply", but scope's phase…
Semyon Danilov
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Prevent JS Action from Happening When Button is Clicked

I am using Isotopes on a page. When you click a item the item adds a class and expands size. You can see an example of what I mean on the Isotopes demo page. (Click and element to see.) I have content that shows when in a large view. Inside the…
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1 answer

jquery isotope won't start

I'm using chrome for now... I want to get isotope generally working before dealing with browser specific issues (flexbox problem in ffox, for example). So I'm calling isotope like this:
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jQuery Isotope plugin breaks layout when combination filters return no results and another correct set of filters is applied

Isotope handles the filtering and layouting of WordPress posts. The system works fine until no results are found using the filters, and applying correct set of filters right after that. So the problem is: As long as results are found (using…
Juuso Palander
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1 answer

jQuery: isotope, sorting by date

I'm having some trouble sorting isotope elements by dates, the elements being wordpress posts, thus the date getting pulled in by php. HTML / PHP:
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1 answer

Filter Master Array by comparing against two other arrays

Ouch! My head hurts. Been working on this issue for hours and my brain is folding on itself. Basically, Isotope is hiding or showing html elements on my page, and I need to hide or show the corresponding Google Maps markers on the embedded map in a…
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