Questions tagged []

jqGrid-ASP.NET is a commercial grid component for ASP.NET & PHP based on the world's most popular and flexible jQuery grid plugin jqGrid.

jqGrid-ASP.NET is a commercial grid component for ASP.NET based on the world's most popular and flexible jQuery grid plugin jqGrid.

554 questions
2 answers

closeAfterEdit not working after editing the form jqGrid

I am using jqgrid and the only issue is Edit form is not closed after editing, whereas Add form and Delete form are closed and reloaded properly. I think I am giving the options order incorrectly but I tried different permutations but no luck. Can…
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Passing parameters to server side code on a jqGrid edit row

I am trying to use JQgrid and edit my objects. However, I don't know how to pass parameters to the server side code. Here is my jq code: jQuery("#tblList").jqGrid({ url: 'CityList.aspx/GetList', editurl:…
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1 answer

Compilation Error in the model- JQGRID ASP.NET MVC

I want to implement CRUD operations using JQGrid. I am following tutorial from here. JqGrid. I have added a new MVC3 Project using VS 2010. I have added the model called OrdersJqGridModel to the model folder in the project. I have not changed the…
Hari Gillala
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2 answers

how to add editbutton to jqgrid?

I am using the basicsgrid example from here: Trying to add an editbutton for each row so I can open my edit page but does not work? what am I missing? I added this at the end of the grid definition: …
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3 answers

Invalid JSON primitive: 103,104,105. - jqgrid - when passing an array to controller action

I am using Multiselect feature to select multiple rows and pass to the controller. The javascript is below: onClickButton: function (ids) { var grid = $("#employee"); var rowid = grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selarrrow'); var count =…
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1 answer

TableToGrid initially ugly. Then it formats correctly. How to get hide table until everything is ready

I like using jqGrid and TableToGrid especially. Getting Json data is nice as well, and I use that functionality in a couple of views in my MVC4 application, however, the one page where I have jqGrid TableToGrid. The only thing is, when…
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1 answer

What is the controller parameter for getRowData when using Multiselect in jqGrid ASP.NET MVC

I am using Multiselect feature to select rows and pass the data to the controller using getRowData to pass the whole row instead of passing individual cell values. I am having onSelectRow event fired when the user selects a checkbox for a single…
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1 answer

JQGrid optionally editable columns

NOTE: I am using the JQGrid MVC component NOT the jquery plugin. I have an editable column. In some cases the user should not be able to edit it. I want to base this decision on another column value, which will be hidden. I am aware of…
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1 answer

Is it possible to display another grid using a custom button similar to subgrid in jqgrid

I have subgrid in my grid and it works fine. Now, I am looking for something similar, but I would like to display the subgrid as a pop up grid using a custom button instead of displaying the subgrid inside the main grid, something similar to Add or…
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1 answer

How to make jqGrid row a link to an Action in MVC 3

I finally got my grid to display data... But I need it to link to an action when clicking on one of the rows... or if need be, a single column How can I get a route into one of my columns or rows in MVC3? I am using jqGrid btw... Here is how…
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1 answer

JQGrid Edit form setting focus on an element

Hi I have a jqGrid setup and I am trying to set the focus on one of my input boxes after the Edit Form loads. My code is as follows: ondblClickRow: function (rowid) { $(this).jqGrid('editGridRow', rowid, { left: '250', afterShowForm: function…
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1 answer

How to send extra data in jqGrid's "Add Row" request?

using jqGrid's ASP.NET MVC component I have a jqGrid that is working splendidly except for one thing: it's a grid of Shoes that I must associate with a ShoeOwner (object names changed to protect the innocent) So when I have a grid, it displays…
1 answer

JqGrid DataBinding exception while exporting to excel file

I am trying to export JqGrid to excel so i follow this instruction and i use it like at below. var grid = new JqGridModelParticipiant().JqGridParticipiant; var query = db.ReservationSet.Select(r => new { r.Id, …
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1 answer

custom errortext on row delete jqGrid

When deleting a row in jqgrid, I would like to return a custom error text when server returns 500 error. I am using jqGrid for ASP.NET, and the grid does not seem to have an "loadError" event Has anyone done this? jqGrid is defined like…
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2 answers

Redirect to another page based on a double-click of a row in a jQGrid.( Asp.Net C# )

In a jQGrid, when I double-click a row, I want to open another page that shows more data regarding the selected row. A query would need to be constructed based on the selected row and passed to that page. My jQGrid is dynamically created based on…
Colin Roe
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