Questions tagged [jitsi]

Jitsi is a free and open source VoIP, videoconferencing and instant messaging application for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

Jitsi is an audio/video Internet phone and instant messenger written in Java. It supports some of the most popular instant messaging and telephony protocols such as SIP, Jabber/XMPP (and hence Facebook and Google Talk), AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo! Messenger.

The development of Jitsi started at the University of Strasbourg (France) in 2003 by Emil Ivov. Originally the project was known as SIP Communicator. Throughout the years our community has grown to include members and contributors from Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, China, Estonia, France, Germany, India, Japan, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, UK, USA, and others. In 2011 it has been renamed to Jitsi.

Jitsi is based on the OSGi architecture using the Felix implementation from Apache. This makes it very extensible and particularly developer friendly.


287 questions
1 answer

I get "Unexpected token u" while using JitsiMeetExternalAPI

I'm using the External Jitsi API by following this example. The problem is that I get a "Unexpected token u" error. What I see is that the Jitsi External API creates an iframe with a supposed chat room URL. The problem is that the iframe url has a…
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1 answer

Error in creating Jitsi windows Installer following

I am trying to make Jitsi installer, following Installer for Jitsi SIP Communicator but facing following error wix-sign-file: [exec] setup.msi: 52.3 MiB / 199.0 MiB = 0.263, 1.2 MiB/s, 2:44 [exec] process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, rm.exe…
2 answers

How to setup eclipse for using jitsi from github on linux?

I want to use the libjitsi project from github on my debian. On their homepage I found a good introduction for cloning the project, setup eclipse and using ant to build the project. If I use make-and-deploy with ant (on the build.xml) I got this…
Muten Roshi
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3 answers

Jitsi Installer Missing .dlls

I have been trying to re-build the Jitsi Source to a WIN X86 .exe which has been working perfectly fine for me but i am facing the issue of when i go to run the installer on any PC it is saying to me if i place the dll with the installer in the…
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1 answer

Install jitsi with oracle jdk

recently I UNinstalled OpenJDK and installed Oracle JDK 1.6 on my Linux Mint 16 Device, using this description:_ But today I've recognized that my messenger jitsi disappeared. It seems it's depending…
Michael Knoppik
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1 answer

Run Jitsi SIP communicator in eclipse

I am using Jitsi in my application for chat.I downloaded Jitsi source code through SVN into my eclipse.I have to build this project with Ant and start working.I executed the build.xml using Ant and the build was successful.But when i run the project…
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1 answer

Create jitsi installer that use OSGI Framework

I have problem to create installer for Jitsi, as i read article from here , I didnt get anything exact way to make the installer. Also i tried on ant built (it keep telling me that i dont have make.exe, where should I get this file??) Buildfile:…
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0 answers

Task :app:dataBindingMergeDependencyArtifactsDebug FAILED in android studio

I want to add following JITSI dependency in my android studio project but build fails. implementation ('org.jitsi.react:jitsi-meet-sdk:2.8.4') { transitive = true } Execution failed for task ':app:dataBindingMergeDependencyArtifactsDebug'. …
1 answer

how to send room name from one app to other in jitsi meet

Hi In my application I am jitsi libray to make video call option.How to set dynamic room and send it as request .if other person accepts the request only both should be connected . Can any one help me how to acheieve …
1 answer

JICOFO: Participant doesn't support bundle, which is required

I'm using a custom client to connect to created conference room in jitsi. But I'm getting the following exception: org.jitsi.jicofo.AbstractChannelAllocator.log() Error creating offer org.jitsi.jicofo.UnsupportedFeatureConfigurationException:…
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1 answer

stanzaio getDiscoInfo failed with timeout

I am trying to connect to the Jabber server of Jitsi using But this seems more complex than I guess. Reading the documentation doesnot helps me to understand the problem. So I extract a minimal example with getDiscoInfo that…
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1 answer

Automatically entering value when Dialogue Appears (Shell)

I am trying to write a script to install jitsi-meet automatically. During installation, a dialog appears. Can i enter the value of the field from the script automatically and simulate ENTER so that i can install without any human interaction?
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1 answer

unable to add contacts to jitsi

I have installed jitsi version 2.10.5550 for sip communication on my ubuntu 16.04 in my office laptop. Whenever i try to add contact via the File -> Add contact or from the Call history screen, Right Click -> Add contact, after filling in the…
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1 answer

How to use jitsi as an independent service on another server(own)?

I need an open source online video chat as an independent service on our server, I found but apparently it only runs on the jitsi's servers, I'm not sure so I'm asking that doe's any one know about it or doe's any one know another open…
1 answer

CSipSimple can't hear when calling from Jitsi or vice-versa when openvpn connected on one of the devices

First of all my English is not good, but i will try my best to explain the problem I face. I configured Ostel (SIP) on PC (Jitsi) and on Android phone (CSipSimple) according instructions on Ostel website, registration successful, everything is OK…
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