Questions tagged [jetty-9]

Version 9 of Jetty, a widely used async java based http server and servlet engine supporting WebSockets, SPDY protocols, JSR356 (from 9.1), HTTP/2 (from 9.3).

Version 9 of Jetty, a widely used async java based http server and servlet engine supporting WebSockets, SPDY protocols, JSR356 (from 9.1), HTTP/2 (from 9.3).

Jetty versions

560 questions
1 answer

Jetty 9.2.4 Servlet Context would not initialize

I am trying to run jetty 9.2.4 version and I get the following exception. the same server set up works fine on my local set up (mac), staging environment (linux, ubutnu) but does not work on another server I am trying to set this up on. Pleas…
1 answer

intellij taking file path incorrectly

Intellij taking file path incorrectly: D:\jetty-distribution-9.2.1.v20140609\?D:\images\a.txt When I give files like File file = new File("‪D:\images\1.txt"); System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath()); The output…
Shashi Dk
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2 answers

Thawte SSL free Certificate not detected - jetty server

I generated the keystore : keytool -genkeypair -alias jetty -keyalg RSA -validity 30 -keystore keystore.jks I generated a CSR : keytool -certreq -alias jetty -file certreq.csr -keystore keystore.jks then I use this CSR to get a free SSL…
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0 answers

How Jetty9 disabled own Webapp config and use new

The Jetty9 start.ini different with Jetty8. In Jetty8, I can comment all xml quote, then can disabled the own xml setting, like…
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how to assign dedicated thread to specific spring mvc rest request method

Is it possible to assign dedicated thread to specific control method? am using jetty server. jetty server handling QueuedThreadPool logic. my problem is i have domainname/app/list service. when ever this service called i need to use same thead. but…
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1 answer

Exception While instantiating Jetty and Jersey

I am getting below error while instantiating Jetty and jersey. Can someone suggest me what could be the cause of this issue? INFO: Pre-instantiating singletons in…
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1 answer

How to NOT delete a war directory on Jetty server stop()

I am trying to create a "warless" (exploded war, war directory only) deployment of embedded Jetty. I have been able to make it run by passing the path to the war folder to the WebAppContext(...) constructor and making sure that extractWAR,…
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1 answer

How to notify "content consumed" for Jetty 9.02. ContentListener?

I have a Jetty HttpClient sending Async Requests using Jetty v9.0.2. I have a Response.ContentListener that successfully buffers-up response and a Response.CompeleteListener that is called when the call has completed. Jetty 9.2 JavaDocs has a…
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3 answers

Basic configuration to point a domain to a web application running on Jetty at port 8080

My current setup is very simple. I have a webserver with a static ip running Ubuntu. I have a domain which points to that static ip correctly. On my server I have a Jetty instance running with standard / default configuration - more specifically -…
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0 answers

Jetty 9 adding charset by default

Jetty 9 is adding charset by default to the "content-type" in the response headers. Is there a way to avoid this default behavior? Content-Type : application/octet-stream; charset=UTF-8 Thank you!!! PS:
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1 answer

javax.servlet.UnavailableException: EDU/oswego/cs/dl/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap - running Struts 1.3.5 on Jetty 9.2.2

I am in the process of migrating from jetty 8.1.5 to 9.2.2. Our app uses Spring and We support some of the old struts controllers. We use struts 1.3.5. When I start the server, I keep getting the following exception. Does this mean, I need to…
2 answers

How to upgrade an HTTPConnection to a WebsocketConnection in Jetty 9?

I've been reading the documentation of Jetty 9 and they seemed to have gotten rid of the Jetty Socket Connector. So now we have a general ServerConnector and we "upgrade" and HTTPConnection to a WebSocket connection. I've read the documentation…
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1 answer

Issue with Websocket upgrade request in Jetty-9.2.2

Using : Jettyv9.2.2 and CometD-3.0.1 As discussed Ordering of filters, servlets in Jetty-9.2.2 Jetty has servlet filter that is always added as first filter by a ServletContainerInitializer. So the upgrade request will hit the WS filter that's in…
Anuj Khandelwal
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1 answer

Jetty 9 does not start with --exec option on Windows

In order to add JVM args to Jetty's start.ini, you have to also add the option --exec. This is according to the comments in start.ini. However, when I try to start Jetty with java -jar start.jar it fails with the following…
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1 answer

Ordering of filters, servlets in Jetty-9.2.2

I am deploying CometD-3.0.1 in jetty-9.2.2. I have my own filters which I want to call for every request. I have specified those filters in the web.xml in particular order. But with WebSocket, containers have to find a way to handle the upgrade…
Anuj Khandelwal
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