Questions tagged [javascript-engine]

For questions related to JavaScript engine development. If you are simply referring to issues with JavaScript code, use the [javascript] tag instead.

154 questions
1 answer

Java scripting NoSuchMethodException?

I'm working on getting (JavaScript) scripting to work in Java. I have a program in JavaScript, defined in my Java program (along with instances of all the necessary script engine related things) like so: static ScriptEngineManager engineManager =…
1 answer

JavaScript Algorithms and JavaScript Engines

Is algorithms for JavaScript functions on different JavaScript engine varies? I run Array.sort() in Chrome and Firefox browser, and two of them perform differently for the same code. Are they used different algorithms for the same code?
0 answers

does javascript engine needs to keep track of stack traces in production mode?

as explained here why await beats Promise.then() in terms of performance aspect of JS engine I want to know if same performance issue is applicable in production modes also? Like in production mode does JS engine needs to keep track of stack…
1 answer

In which order these code statements are moved to call stack?

I am new to Javascript and trying to understand the execution engine of JS. I know that any async code statement moves to the call-stack and then gets immediately removed and executed in a separate Web API thread (started by browser). And then the…
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