Questions tagged [java-client]

111 questions
1 answer

I am trying to consume a java web service from .NET. i am not getting proper output

code: public static void main(String[] args) { try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.println("Enter the BookName:"); String bookName = br.readLine(); …
2 answers

Send objects and objects arrays through socket

I am creating a java server and a java client. I need to send from server to client and viceversa an object and then an array of objects. How can I achieve this? Do I need to serialize the objects classes? This is the server: import…
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Unable to start Java-client 1.5.0 NoSuchMethodException

I have got a problem with new java-client 1.5.0 and Appium 1.1.0. When I want to run tests, it wrote: *** RUN ABORTED *** java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.openqa.selenium.remote.ErrorHandler.
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Couchbase: java client doesn't create document in server

I'm all new in couchbase, I copy/paste the first code example in ( in my Eclipse project but when I run it and check back the server i can't find the document, below is console…
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How to use lucene analyzers with Elasticsearch java API

I want to build elastisearch queries using JAVA API. I want to know how to can use Lucene analyzers in elasticsearch java programs. I have checked QueryBuilders and tried to use analyzers directly as below. QueryBuilder builder =…
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WEB LOGIC: Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION: vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No

What configuration should be configure in accessing thing permission in web logic server here is my code. I'm new in Web Logic help me how to look up with this problem and things to be configure in web logic server. i did the assigning of…
1 answer

accessing oam server hosted in https from java client program

Hi i have a requirement to access a oam server which is hosted in https protocol.I got the certificate and the obaccess.xml files from the server to access.But still am facing some issues.Below is my code import java.util.Hashtable; import…
Amanda G
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Android server crashes

I have written a small client server application for android. The client is a Java program running on my PC while my Android phone is a server. I'm facing force close issues in my server program. The server starts pretty good, but when I send a…
Vinit Shandilya
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Best practice to work with android application and .Net web Api

I have a .net webApi project that contains some methods. The methods send and get complex objects. My android application gets the objects in json format and parsing them manually. In any changes of the objects in the WebApi project I have to change…
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How two diffrent projects running on java and .net can interact with each other using WCF?

I have a wcf services projects and a second project for consuming these services is in java. My question is how can i create proxy classes for java to consume my wcf services ? Is there any other way to consume wcf services through Java clients ?
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How can I get all rows in Cassandra between a given Composite key range?

My data storage format is: RowKey: a:b:c => ( counter=d:e:f:g, value=1) where, a: Timestamp (Format : YYYYMMDDHH, HH varies from 00 - 23) b: encoded Url c: id (Varies from 0 - 9) d: string type e: floating value f: floating value g:…
1 answer

Avoiding Duplication of RiakKey in BaseEntity and derived classes

I have a base class which is a Riak entity, and some derived classes that extends BaseEntity. BaseEntity has a field named Identifier which is annotated as @RiakKey. but apparently this is not enought. It seems that I must have the Identifier field,…
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Java Client for Wcf service fedarated with Adfs

I have a wcf service which is connected to an adfs as a relaying party. This adfs is acting as a identity provider. now in client side there is a Java client which want to call the wcf service but before that it have to authenticated in adfs with…
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2 answers

How to send class equals implementation to client using a WCF Web Server

I'm developing an aplication in java (JSF) which communicates whith an WCF web server. I developed the webserver using c#, and I'm havin trouble to send the equals implementation of an complex object to the java client. For example, consider this c#…
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Need help packaging a webservice client jar in Java

We have a series of web service APIs that we have also written clients for so that we can easily re-use them in other Java applications. I now have need to be able to use the clients in an environment outside of a webserver. I used the…
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