Questions tagged [java-12]

Use this tag for questions specific to Java 12, which is version 12 of the Java platform, released on 19 March 2019. In most cases you should also specify the java tag.

This release is the Reference Implementation of version 12 of the Java SE Platform, as specified by JSR 386 in the Java Community Process.

The JDK/12 production-ready binaries are available for Linux and Windows.

Initial JEPs targetted with this are

Java 12 Final Release Specification

113 questions
0 answers

Selenium 3.141.59 not working with JDK 12.0.2 on Eclipse

I have installed jdk-12.0.2 64bit on Windows 7 64bit Service Pack 1, I am using Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers. Version: 2019-06 (4.12.0) Build id:20190614-1200. I created a new java project having a new package and a new java…
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Hot to start runnable .jar on mac by double clicking?

I would like to start my java code by double-click.Therefore I have exported my java project in Eclipse as "Runnable .jar". The file has the java icon, but when I try to start it, an error appears: "The Java JAR file "test.jar" could not be…
2 answers

Why is describeConstable an optional?

Under what circumstance would someEnum.describeConstable() fail to return an EnumDesc? i.e. it would return an empty Optional.
William Entriken
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Tomcat Server Error Message - Current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exist

crud.war is copied to tomcat webapps folder and I have started tomcat server. I have executed rest command from SOAPUI. It is working Java 1.8 and Tomcat Server 8.0.52 version but it is not running other machine which is configured Java 12 and…
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How to compile Java 11 program using Eclipse environment?

I have a Java program that uses XML parsing so it uses many libraries like: import javax.xml.validation.Schema; import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory; ... import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; ... It compiles and works when I…
Michał Niklas
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Illegal reflective access operation occurring in Kotlin while trying to run a hello world program

I am trying to run Kotlin using IntelliJ and I can't run anything without getting an illegal reflective access operation. not even a hello world program. I've tried checking for updates to Kotlin The code I run is below. the error happens with and…
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Does Struts1.x compatible with Java11/Java12?

Am working in a project where the application runs in Struts 1.3 and Java 7, We now need to upgrade the Java version to the latest [just java alone and not Struts] When upgraded to Java 8, we managed to run the application with Struts 1.3 however I…
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How to open a .jar written with jdk 12

I'm writing a java application using JDK 12. From Java 11, Oracle doesn't provide any JRE. So, JDK 11 and JDK 12 don't have Java Runtime Envirnoment. How can i execute jar written using jdk 11 or jdk 12? I tried using jre 8 and it works. How is…
1 answer

lombok & jackson do not work together with openjdk12

Reproducible here: I used to have java 8.x all was working ok. both open jdk and Oracle. Once JDK & and Oracle JDK is upgraded, I got exceptions from the jackson. Error:(10, 1) java: constructor ClientResponseData in class…
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Eclipse 2019-03 support for Tomcat 9

I have installed the latest eclipse version 2019-03 with support to JDK 12. The Servers View was not available. So I installed the plugin Eclipse JST Server Adapters Once installed, I am not able to create Tomcat 9.0 Server. Tomcat 8.0 is the latest…
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Netbeans 11 not detecting dependencies for JavaFX application with JDK 12

I'm running Netbeans 11 with JDK 12. I'm trying to create a JavaFX project - following all the steps in the openjfx documentation here: Specifically: JavaFX and Netbeans - Non-modular with maven I got the project…
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Trouble in compiling classes with dependency

Under the root directory, there are two directories named src and classes. I have two java files named Master and Slave. Slave file is under the directory src/com/example/web and compiled master file is under the directory classes/com/example/model.…
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3 answers

Kafka unable to resolve javax/xml/bind/* ClassNotFoundExeption for java 12?

I'm learning kafka and just downloaded kafka 0.10.1 (as it's the requirement of my project) and whenever i run this command line code bin/ config/ i get this error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:…
1 answer

Different Project SDK and Language Level

I have recently downloaded IntelliJ IDEA (2018 version) and Java JDK 12. When I was configuring IntelliJ with JDK 12, the Project Language level is stuck at Java 9. Hence, I cannot use the new features in Java 12. I have searched about this issue…
Nishant Jalan
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2 answers

Return generic value from switch expression in Java-12

I am wondering if there is an option to return a generic type from a Java 12 switch expression. The basic code can look like that: boolean result = switch(ternaryBool) { case TRUE -> true; case FALSE -> false; default -> throw new…