Questions tagged [itoa]

Questions about itoa function may have this tag. Despite being supported by some compilers, this function is not defined in ANSI-C and it is not part of C++.

91 questions
2 answers

custom ITOA not working right?

I wanted to make a custom ITOA function to put large numbers into small strings, this is what I have coded : main(){ printf("itoa(2000000000,36)= '%s'",itoa(2000000000,36)); printf("itoa(36,36)= '%s'",itoa(36,36)); printf("itoa(37,36)=…
3 answers

'itoa' : function does not take 1 arguments & 'c' : undeclared identifier

I've been trying for 2 days now to get this code to work. It's just been error after error. Can anyone point out what i'm doing wrong? #include "stdafx.h" #include #include using namespace std; int main() { int h = 0; …
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4 answers

What is the best practice of using itoa()

When I use itoa() it needs a char* _DstBuff, what is the best practice here? #include "stdafx.h" #include using namespace std; int main() { int num = 100; // I'm sure here is no memory leak, but it needs to know the length. char…
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3 answers

itoa creates an infinite loop in C++

This is very strange. itoa(); seems to create an infinite loop. for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { char buffer[1]; itoa(i, buffer, 10); std::cout << buffer; } Why on earth does it do that? I've tried using different variables…
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itoa in a template function

Code goes first: template void do_sth(int count) { char str_count[10]; //... itoa(count, str_count, 10); //... } but I got some compile-error like this: error: there are no arguments to ‘itoa’ that depend on a template…
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Integer number as char* for dummies

Question has been asking before, but I am still a bit at a loss as to the best way. I have an integer and would like to obtain a char* to use as a member of a struct. Similar questions are for example here or here. I'd rather not use stringstream…
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1 answer

inteager to argument in C; gdb shows no errors, function is not giving output

** Hello :) So I have this task to write a program that will convert int to arg using malloc and well it all works fine, gdb shows no errors, but it is not printing any output in this form. If i delete itoa_buffer[i] = '\0'; than sometimes it shows…
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1 answer

Segfault when trying to recode itoa in C

Newbie trying to recode itoa here. I am not quite sure about how the itoa function works, but here's how I want mine to work for now : char *ft_itoa(int nb, char *str) I want each digit of nb to be converted into a char which is to be put in…
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1 answer

why 1 is getting added at the end of string? in this code

I want to create a text file with the name entered by the user and with id concatinated,The file is getting created but the 1 is getting added at the last of extension every time i run it #include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" #include…
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1 answer

How to print signed integer in x86 assembly (NASM) on Mac

I found an implementation of unsigned integer conversion in x86 assembly, and I tried plugging it in but being new to assembly and not having a debugging env there yet, it's difficult to understand why it's not working. I would also like it to work…
Lance Pollard
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5 answers

Problem with concatenation + itoa

I have the following code: char stringHour[50], stringMinute[50], stringSecond[50]; // lots of code... itoa(hour, stringHour, 10); itoa(minute, stringMinute, 10); itoa(second, stringSecond, 10); strcat(":", stringSecond); strcat(":",…
F. P.
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1 answer

Arduino: itoa prints 201 and sprintf prints the intended 99

I have difficulties printing a byte value (uint8_t) with itoa(), needed to print a percentage of volume. I want to use this function because it reduce binary size. Two versions of an updateStats function (prints stats on a oled display using…
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1 answer

itoa function for byte array

Is there an easy way to do the following: Convert a byte array like so {1,3,0,2,4} to a char array like so {'1','3','0','2','4'} or "13024". I can do the following ( I think ) but it is more cumbersome: …
3 answers

itoa providing 7-bit output to character input

I am trying to convert a character to its binary using inbuilt library (itoa) in C(gcc v-5.1) using example from Conversion of Char to Binary in C , but i'm getting a 7-bit output for a character input to itoa function.But since a character in C is…
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3 answers

How do you properly implement turning an int into a string?

I am writing a bit of an operating system, and I require the ability to print the addition of a variable. I have a working atoi function and so I reversed it to give me an itoa function. There is no way to access free memory, so I need to figure out…
Blue Okiris
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