Questions tagged [internet-connection]

Anything related to the hardware, software tools and techniques needed to establish and manage an Internet connection.

Anything related to the hardware, software tools and techniques needed to establish and manage an Internet connection.

438 questions
2 answers

Wpf application doesn't start at startup

I have developed a wpf app and want it to run whenever the computer starts up.However I have been unable to do so......I have tried editing registry like this answer... Launch Window on Windows startup Interesting thing is the app does autostart…
1 answer

Is there any network connection observer available in .net?

Is there an observer available in .NET which notifies when the host's internet connection gets connected or disconnected?
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1 answer

How can I disable GPS/WiFi for all Android apps but one I'm crerating?

I'm trying to write app that is using GPS/Internet and want to switch off possibility of using Internet or at least switch off some services like sms,www, etc. Is it possible to programmatically disable this services for all other apps but mine?
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