Questions tagged [interface-builder]

Interface Builder is a visual design tool used to create user interfaces for Apple's macOS and iOS platforms.

is a visual design tool used to create user interfaces for Apple's and platforms. It is part of , Apple's . allows , and developers to visually compose interfaces for applications. The resultant interface is stored as a file (short for XML Interface Builder) and is compiled to a file at build time (short for NeXT ).

6196 questions
2 answers

How to translate pygtk; glade; gtk.Builder() application?

This is my first trial in translating pygtk glade; I have created file on the following dir:./locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/ def apply_locale(self , lang): domain = "Rockdome" local_path = basefolder+"/locale" …
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How do I use size classes in conjunction with views in Storyboards in iOS 8? My views aren't showing up

Perhaps I have a fundamental misunderstanding of how size classes in iOS 8 work, but as I understood it from watching session videos they allow you to define different configurations for views depending on two broad sizes that represent two device…
Doug Smith
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1 answer

Auto Layout constraints incorrect until screen rotates?

I have a simple layout where I have a UINavigationViewController and a regular view controller displaying inside of it. I then have an image of fixed size, and some text that is supposed to fill the remaining space. See below: The top of the image…
Mike Caron
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1 answer

Photoshop Font Pixel Size to Xcode Interface builder Font Point Size

How do I match the font pixel size given to me by my designer in PhotoShop to the correct font size in Xcode Interface builder. For example, my designer is using Helvetica Neueu Regular 32px Font in his design. I've used a few points to pixel…
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3 answers

UItextview not expanding with constraints as expected

I am working with interface builder to create a xib. This xib has a uiview that contains a uitextview. Both are supposed to resize as the text in the uitextview changes. The constraints look a lot like this: The pink UITextView pushes on the blue…
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7 answers

iPhone: IBAction Causes "Unrecognized Selector Sent to Instance" Error

I'm working on my first real iPhone app, a simple To-Do list application to help me organize stuff, except I'm getting an "unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x". Specifically: 2010-02-20 14:30:09.200 ToDoApp[88562:20b] *** -[NSCFDictionary…
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2 answers

How to change autoresizing for particular controller from Interface Builder?

I found some of my view controllers have in my storyboard source code. This was causing problem as I figured out later. It has to be
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UIButton Not Getting Event When Tapped

My iOS 7 app has a UIViewController with a UIMapView on it. It also has a small view with a UIButton on it that is displayed over the map when the user drags the map outside the current search area. When it is displayed, the user can tap the…
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3 answers

Create a UIButton with (or without) memory

I'm trying to add a UIButton with code (not Interface Builder). Some examples say you MUST alloc and release memory for the button. Others use buttonWithType and magically create a button without alloc'ing any memory at all. How is that…
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2 answers

xcode 5.1 crashes when old xib file is opened

I have an application that was built using Xcode 4.x a while ago. Today, I tried to update the app, but Xcode gives me the following error. "Command…
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1 answer

What should I do with default menu items in MainMenu in the new Cocoa application?

When you create new Cocoa application Xcode generates MainMenu.xib for you with the sets of predefined menu items (File, Edit, Format, View, etc.). I make a very simple application. I really don't need menu items Edit, Format, View. What is the best…
Denis Barushev
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2 answers

Cannot select Custom Class for Table View Controller (UITableViewController)

Let me preface this by saying that I've already tried quitting and restarting Xcode, as well as deleting derived data for the project, to no avail. I'm at wits end right now. Basically, I've created a custom ViewController class I want to use, but I…
Matt Vukas
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1 answer

IBAction methods declared in a Protocol are not visible in Interface Builder

I have defined an objective-c protocol that declares a method that is tagged with IBAction. I implemented a UIViewController that implements the protocol. In Interface Builder I created a nib file with the UIViewController as the file's owner.…
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1 answer

NSObjectController confusion binding to a class property. Help!

I'm teaching myself cocoa and enjoying the experience most of the time. I have been struggling all day with a simple problem that google has let me down on. I have read the Cocoa Bindings Program Topics and think I grok it but still can't solve my…
5 answers

Can't create new xib files in Xcode projects

This one is a doozy... My buddy just downloaded the iPhone SDK on his Snow Leopard MacBook Pro. No matter what kind of project he creates (Window Based, View Based, etc...,) he can't create or use his own xib files. The project will compile and run…
Reed Olsen
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