Questions tagged [intellij-plugin]

Plugin Development for IntelliJ-based IDEs

The IntelliJ Platform SDK is an OSS platform developed by JetBrains for creating language-aware developer tools, plugins, and custom IDEs.

The API provides support for custom languages and frameworks, including syntax highlighting, navigation, code completion, inspections, intentions, refactorings, a debugger, test runners, tool windows, actions, and more, as well as general lexers and parsers.


1015 questions
4 answers

How to import and run existing plugins from intellij community edition repo

I'm trying to import and run the IntelliJ git4idea (Git Integration) plugin in order to play around and contribute some of my own code. I've pulled the Intellij community edition from the github repo, and imported the git4idea plugin as a project.…
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1 answer

Use JavaFX to develop Intellij IDEA plugin UI

As a result of a custom Intellij action plugin developer can popup a dialog window with a custom UI. I am developing UI using JavaFX embedded into Swing panel. JavaFX wise everything works fine. The problem is plugin class loader. It can't find any…
Mykola Golubyev
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8 answers

IntelliJ IDEA: Cannot import SBT project

I'm completely new to development using Play or IntelliJ for that matter. I've created a simple HelloWorld application using Activator, and this is an sbt project. I've been trying to import this to IntelliJ and this is the screen I'm stuck…
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4 answers

Create a background task in IntelliJ plugin

I'm developing an IntelliJ-idea plugin and want to run code in background task (visible in the background tasks dialog and in another thread than the UI). I found the following Helper class and tried it by passing a Runnable object and implement its…
Mahmoud Adam
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1 answer

SBT project refresh failed [IntelliJ, Scala, SBT]

Whenever I try to enable auto-import in IntelliJ it always gives me this error: SBT 'Example' project refresh failed Error while importing SBT project: ... [warn] ==== public: tried [warn] …
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2 answers

Ideavim Folding and Expanding Code Blocks

What is the key binding for folding and expanding code blocks in ideavim plugin ? (za works in vrapper for eclipse , but not in ideavim )
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1 answer

How do I "register" a new Module Type in an IntelliJ Plugin?

I am a beginner when it comes to IntelliJ plugin development but i want my plugin to register a new Module Type in the "New Project" / "New Module" windows. I already searched through the Documentation for plugin developers but wasn't able to find…
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3 answers

List all gradle dependencies with their licences

I want to list all maven dependencies (including transitive ones) of my gradle build with their licenses. Is this possible with the IntelliJ gradle plugin? If yes, how? Alternatively a gradle command line instruction would be sufficient, too.
Matthias Kricke
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3 answers

Is there a separate FindBugs plug-in for Android Studio?

According to this, FindBugs supports several IDEs as a plug-in, including IntelliJ-Idea, on which Droidio (Android Studio) is based. So does this mean that the IntelliJ-Idea plug-in can be installed into Droidio, or is there a distinct one somewhere…
B. Clay Shannon
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1 answer

Create Intellij IDEA plugin. Store plugin settings

I am new at IDEA plugin development and I have a plugin that I need to support. Now there are some settings for this plugin. I want to create settings that will be stored at the project level, but I don't know how to do this. I have created the UI…
Georgy Gobozov
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2 answers

How to test a intellij plugin

Documentation on Intellij plugin development is scarce. If you have written any Intellij plugin, how did you write tests for plugin? Any pointer to documentation or source code is appreciated.
Journeyman Programmer
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3 answers

lombok @Data complains "lombok needs a default constructor in the base class", when abstract class having final field

@Data public abstract class B { private final String str; } @Data public class A extends B{ private final String s; } Data on class A complains in intellij, but the codes can get compiled successfully through command line, not sure what to…
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2 answers

Intellij Completion Contributor

I am developing a plugin for intellij and I want to add custom suggestions to xml editor based on a xsd. Up to now I can get required suggestions from xsd file. I have implemented a completion contributor for xml as follows import…
2 answers

How to specify library dependencies for an IntelliJ IDEA plugin?

I am developing a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. The way I am going about this is by creating a plugin project in IDEA, then packaging this into a jar with appropriate META-INF/plugin.xml, and installing the plugin from the jar. The problem is that I…
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0 answers

Intellij Idea plugin: What's the method call to Resolve a Kotlin reference

I'm writing an Intellij plugin in Kotlin for Java and Kotlin files. The following code works for Java files: val node: ASTNode .... val referencedFieldElement = node.psi.reference!!.resolve() But it doesn't work for Kotlin files because there is no…
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