Questions tagged [integration-testing]

A form of software testing where individual software modules (or components) are combined and tested as a group. Integration testing happens after unit testing, and before system testing.

Integration testing is a form of software testing where individual software modules (or components) are combined and tested as a group. Integration testing happens after unit testing, and before system testing.

In an integration test, all input modules are modules that have already been unit tested. These modules are grouped in larger aggregates and integration tests are applied to those aggregates. After a successful integration test, the integrated system is ready for system testing.

6128 questions
1 answer

RSpec controller tests returning 301 in every request

I'm building a build server running on Jenkins to test a rails app on every commit to 'master' in git. My problem is: I've created a new "staging" environment so the build can be run in a real database, connecting to real SQS queues and stuff,…
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Testing Azure dead letter service bus queues

We have a service which listens to a Azure service bus queue. We have another service which listens to the dead letter queue of this queue. We also have a series of tests which run against our Azure application when it has have been deployed. We…
Sam Holder
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4 answers

Testing PHP project after coding is finished

I've got a PHP project to test. I've already (almost) finished coding the project and I didn't have any testing plan at the start. Being new to PHP, I thought I'd finish the coding and start testing afterwards. As unit testing needs to be done as…
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How to access rails request object in rspec integration test?

In Rails 3.2.13, subdomain is provided by default. As such, I want to test my application such that when a merchant signs up, he goes by default to root_url with subdomain 'merchant' i.e. However, I am having trouble…
1 answer

Writing Integration Test For Entity Framework

We have a huge application that contains Web Layer - MVC Service Layer - Web API Domain Layer DB Layer - EF 5 Code First we wrote hundereds of unit test to avoid further problems. Now we want to write Integration Tests against database. Until now…
bahadir arslan
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testing mobile in rspec integration test but cant set session

I'm writing an integration test for mobile pages. I've got the mobile system set up like is descriped in the Railscast. Basically a session is set up if the devise is mobile, and my controller sends to a desktop home page if it's not mobile, but…
4 answers

Integration tests create test users on Stripe, how to stop or stub out

I'm using stripe on a project. I'm using Railscasts #288 ( as a guide. I have it so that once a user registers with a valid username and password I will create their Stripe customer…
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Using live endpoints vs using mocked endpoints in integration tests

Recently my colleagues and I have been writing integration tests for a Java project. Most of these integration tests require at least one SOAP web service call, LDAP query, or something else that relies on endpoints we do not necessarily have…
Nick DeFazio
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How to run django unit tests within vim?

I've been using a nose test runner for vim called qtpy and when my tests are simple unittest.TestCase all is well but the moment I need a database it's clear the nose test runner does not syncdb before it runs. Does a test runner exist that will…
Toran Billups
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0 answers

Provider for type class returned a null value (Arquillian)

I've been trying to make this test work: @RunWith(Arquillian.class) @RunAsClient public class AnnotatedEchoServletTestCase { @Deployment(testable = false) public static WebArchive getTestArchive() { return…
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1 answer

Cassandra + Hector, force compaction in a test to check that empty rows get deleted

We want to test that if a column has TTL (time-to-live) property it eventually will be removed from cassandra entirely along with the empty row which contained it. As I understood, the algorithm for testing this behavious is when saving an object,…
Alexey Grigorev
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CruiseControl not merging testresults from MSTest

I've got an integration build set up with CruiseControl and according to the ccnet.log file, it's merging in my test results, but when I look through the log, I can't find any signs of them and the build page says there were no tests run (even…
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4 answers

ASP.NET MVC Controllers properly initialized when testing

How do I get an ASP.NET MVC controller properly initialized for an integration test? My current problem is that when I try to access the User member of a controller I get: System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not…
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1 answer

Grails Scoped Service in Integration Test

I have a service that needs the scope "session". So I simply use class MyService { static scope = "session" ... } But in my integration test it doesn't get wired correctly: class MyServiceIntegrationSpec extends IntegrationSpec { def…
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Sending raw post data with RSpec

I am trying to POST some raw data in a functional RSpec example: payload = "{wrongly_formatted_json}" uri = "" headers["HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE"] = "application/json" post(uri, payload, headers) RSpec is too smart and wraps my request…
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