Questions tagged [integrated]

Use this tag for questions related to integrated systems, i.e. organized or structured systems, where constituent units function cooperatively.

Integrated means:

  1. Combining or coordinating separate elements so as to provide a harmonious, interrelated whole.
  2. Organized or structured so that constituent units function cooperatively.

and some examples are:

  1. Integrated with the app is an online service, or what is trendily known as a "cloud."
  2. What I do on Facebook will be integrated with what I do when I go to the store.

System integration is defined as the process of bringing together the component subsystems into one system and ensuring that the subsystems function together as a system. In information technology, systems integration is the process of linking together different computing systems and software applications physically or functionally, to act as a coordinated whole.

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71 questions
0 answers

How to integrate module?

I want to integrate the function I created I am trying to create a website that judges cheating. Currently, it has implemented several functions, such as searching for cheating items or recognizing identity. The only thing left now is to build a…
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0 answers

Node.js terminal in Visual Studio 2019 integrated terminal

Is there a way to run the node.js terminal when debugging in Visual Studio 2019 integrated terminal, instead of the popup terminal and retain it once debugging is terminated? Thanks
0 answers

Integrated Gradient on question classification

I'm trying to implement the Integrated gradient on question classification ( The problem is that I don't get how to compute the gradient of the predictions. Does anyone have some hint? Thank you
1 answer

Discrete GPU to reduce memory contention & improve CPU performance

I have long suspected the shared RAM of integrated GPUs causes memory contention and significantly slows the performance of the CPU. Especially in the context of compiler and IDE performance. Have you done any experiments or noticed a difference…
Peter L
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1 answer

ROBOTC - Programming Autonomous With Integrated Encoders

I have an X Drive that is coded in ROBOTC. My team and I have the integrated motor encoders already on the robot (for the autonomous period). However the code for them to run is incorrect. The current autonomous code is below. When I run it, it just…
0 answers

pyOpenGL rendering incorrectly with NVIDIA (Fine with Integrated Graphics)

I have been having a problem in pyOpenGL when placing a real-time rendered texture onto a warped mesh. The problem is that the mesh is somewhat visible as can be seen in the below image: However, this only occurs when I am using my NVIDIA graphics…
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1 answer

Java VolatileImage Intel integrated graphic no more supported?

I' ve wrote myself a litte ken burns slider and it worked quite well with the intel integrated graphic. I do not know which version of the driver I used and I just tried old java versions first, but it seems to be a driver problem or something else.…
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1 answer

DirectShow integrated webcam exposure control

I'm trying to control the exposure settings in a laptop integrated webcam. I can't control it programatically through DirectShow - IAMCameraControl interface returns E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED when I call it with CameraControl_Exposure as the…
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2 answers

Database to #c (username & password) -> error

I'm working on a project of school but im getting an error: "Keyword not supported: 'integrated security'" Can someone help me with this? Here is a picuture: Language: Dutch Code: private void…
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1 answer

#c Testbox to Database

Hello guys i've been stuck here for 2 days. I want when i full in my textboxes that the text will go to my database "loonberekening into my table werknemer". But now im getting this error: An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' …
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1 answer

pig group by command don´t work

I installed Cassandra 2.0.7 and hadoop 2.3.0 on 3 nodes and pig 0.13.0 on one of the 3 nodes and I have table in cassandra as follows: CREATE TABLE sampletb ( a text, b text, c text, d text, e int, PRIMARY KEY (a, b, c, d)) And I run…
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0 answers

Integrated data from two services

I'm developing a note app. There's a requirements for integrated data from a number of services (such as gist, evernote,...) through its api. Each system have its own scheme for note, (gist evernote), how can I map these scheme for my own scheme…
Vu Anh
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0 answers

Set the location of the application when run from a different application

have you are using the application icons for Skype application : Skypemoticons I doing an application like this ( Skypemoticons ). when i build my application, i have a problems : how I can set display position of my application like they did…
1 answer

Integrated windows authentication and cloning users from xp

I have a security question about integrated windows authentication. Let say we are using .net remoting hosted in iis. The system uses integrated windows authentication. What if some client manages to clone the OS to other PC or just clone the user…
Darko Petreski
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1 answer

Javascript integrated web browser?

I have two different questions I would like to ask. I am new to javascript and I am trying to create a project ... of some sort. Firstly, is it possible to have an integrated webbrowser within ... say a PHP page? e.g. using javascript, I have a…
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