Questions tagged [input-type-file]

HTML input control for uploading files ``

A form in an HTML document (Web page) can contain an input element with type="file". This may let the user include one or more files into the form submission. The form is often processed so that such files are stored onto the disk of the Web server; this is why file input (or file submission) is often called “file upload.”

Syntax: <input type="file" />
172 questions
1 answer

How can I find the popped up QFiledialog when I click file input in the QWebView?

QApplication.postEvent(object, press) I want to simulate the keypress and mousepress in the select file dialog, which is popped up by clicking file input in the QWebView. I don't know what the object is. Any ideas on how to obtain it?
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3 answers

Why this css is not working on Firefox?

I am trying to change the style of my input type file. The follow CSS is working good on Chrome and Opera but not on Mozilla Firefox. HTML CSS .custom-file-input::-webkit-file-upload-button { …
Ramesh Pardhi
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input type="file" not populating canvas on android browser

I trying to build a web app using html5 which has a user profile page and I am having an issue with input type="file" when testing it on an Android browser. When selected it gives me the option to open camera or gallery, when an file is selected, it…
3 answers

PHP Read file from HTML input file

How can I read the content of an XML file from an HTML form with PHP without uploading the file? This is my form:
Alonso Arellano
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1 answer

Set File for upload on a type="file" html element

I've been researching this for a couple of days now and have made no headway regarding a possible way of doing this. Programmatically I've been able to invoke the "Choose File to Upload" dialog but whenever it inputs the File and Path and try to…
1 answer

how to style the particular input type element without affect the others

I have a problem in selecting the particular input file element in html using selector. How to style the particular input type element without affect the others
2 answers

How to set an image as a background image in html using input type="file"?

I am creating a web page that can receive an image and set it as a background image. My work till now: function a(a) { = "url(a.value)"; } Since the value comes as…
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