Questions tagged [inorder]

A method of traversing binary trees, in which the node is processed after its left child, but before its right child.

274 questions
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5 numbers in an empty binary tree

You insert 5 numbers to an empty binary search tree. The numbers output from applying in-order scan algorithm to this tree are: 4 7 8 9 11 and the numbers output from applying level-order scan algorithm to the tree are 7 4 9 8 11 What is(are) leaf…
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Trying to use getInorderIterator but its not printing my tree InOrder

I created a binary search tree and I am able to add and remove to it but when i try to use the getInorderIterator method and print the tree it prints "TreePackage.BinaryTree$InorderIterator@2e817b38" maybe im just calling the method the wrong…
1 answer

Need help understanding inorder successor in binary search tree

I need help in understanding this interview question: Q: Find an algorithm to find the next node (e.g., inorder successor) of a given node in a binary search tree where each node has a link to its parent. Does parent mean the in-order predecessor…
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Pre-Order Traversals Of All Possible Binary Trees Given In-Order Traversal

I was looking at questions on binary trees, and I came across the following: Given the in-order traversal of a binary tree, print the pre-order traversals of all possible binary trees satisfying the given in-order traversal. For e.g, if the…
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4 answers

Print a binary tree, python, in inorder

Me and my friend are doing some school work with programming in Python 3.1 and are VERY stuck. We're programming a binary tree and it's working fine except when we want to print all the nodes in inorder in a way that would create a sentence (all the…
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How to verify a method is called at most n times to work with InOrder of Mockito

I want to verify getCurrentPrice() for at most 15 times. I tried to use atMost() as you can see in my code, but when I ran it, it shows AtMost is not implemented to work with InOrder. How to figure out this problem? @Override public boolean…
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Inorder traversal confusion

Currently, my main code for binary search tree looks like this: public void add(int value) { overallRoot = add(overallRoot, value); } private IntTreeNode add(IntTreeNode root, int value) { if(root == null){ root = new…
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1 answer

Time Complexity of printing BST using inorder successor method

I have a method for finding the next inorder successor within a Binary Search Tree (BST). The "inorderSuccessor" method takes any node of the BST as input and output the next inorder successor. The method and tree class are defined as follow: class…
0 answers

Definition of In-order Traversal

In the Tree abstraction, that is currently being written(as code practice), /************ tree.h *********************/ ..... /****************** Usage-start ************/ #if defined(LCRS) typedef struct LCRSTree Tree; #elif…
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2 answers

Java: How to find k values in the BST that are closest to the target?

I'm researching on how to find k values in the BST that are closest to the target, and came across the following implementation with the rules: Given a non-empty binary search tree and a target value, find k values in the BST that are closest to…
Jo Ko
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2 answers

Binary tree inorder traversal in Python

I don't think I'm traversing it correctly and its returning empty when it needs to return a new list. I've been stuck for a while and still need to do all the other traversals. Will provide unit test for needed output but my unit test might be…
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1 answer

Can this implementation of in-order traversal of a binary tree be improved?

I wrote a straightforward in-order-traversal function (toList1) for a binary tree. However, I worry about its complexity (memory / time). Is there a better way to implement it? data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) toList1 :: (Tree a) ->…
2 answers

Find a binary tree given only in-order traversal

I'm given an in-order traversal and need to find a binary tree. I referred my sites and most of them said it is not possible. However, i think a non-unique binary tree is possible. Can i find a binary tree using just given in-order traversal? If…
0 answers

Running on my laptop, but giving runtime error on Leetcode

I have to build a tree from preorder and inorder traversals. The code is working fine on my laptop, but not on leetcode. It is giving runtime error, any suggestions ? int findindex(vector& inorder,int index) { int size = inorder.size(); …
1 answer

In order traversal of tree in scheme

I would like to walk inorder through a Tree whose nodes contain an integer and return #t if all numbers are in order (i.e. the next number is greater or equal than the previous number). My attempt so far (define (in-order tree number) (cond…
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