Questions tagged [inline]

Use this tag for questions specifically about the effects of the inline keyword, together with the appropriate language tag.

Inline, or inline expansion, is a programming language optimization that inserts the complete body of the function in every place that the function is called. Depending on the programming language, this may be implemented by the compiler, manually or by a keyword.

Historically, in the C and C++ programming languages, an inline function is a function upon which the compiler has been requested to perform inline expansion. In other words, the programmer has requested that the compiler insert the complete body of the function in every place that the function is called, rather than generating code to call the function in the one place it is defined. However, modern compilers usually use their own heuristics and ignore the request. Thus, the inline keyword is now mostly used for its effects on the One Definition Rule.

Inline expansion is used to eliminate the time overhead when a function is called. It is typically used for functions that execute frequently. It also has a space benefit for very small functions, and is an enabling transformation for other optimizations.

3470 questions
1 answer

Why inline function in this case cost more time? code as follows:

I am trying to test how inline function would save time for C++ compiler. So I write a demo code to test the running time difference between function using inline (f1) and another function not using inline(f2). However, after test, I found that the…
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Call inline lambda with another inline lambda argument

I'm trying to make this higher-order Kotlin function: private inline fun reentrant(entered: ThreadLocal, block: () -> T, enter: (() -> T) -> T) = if (entered.get()) block() else { try { entered.set(true) …
Bart van Heukelom
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1 answer

Link to Fontawesome using HTML Inline styling for email

I am using iContact, a WYSIWYG email builder that allows for custom HTML blocks. The client wants a specific shade of grey for social media icons, and iContact uses pngs in only black/white and full color. I can try to use fontawesome social media…
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1 answer

How to convert inline babel script to JS

I am new to React JS and written some React JS code directly to HTML and it is working fine. Now when I converted this inline code to JS using babel converter using Online Babel Converter and link the Converted JS to HTML, it is showng the blank…
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2 answers

React+inline style + external js object - Image not showing

I'm new to react, and have been learning it through video tutorials, but I've gotten stuck on one part. I'm making a real estate listing site with react, and the search results are generated from a JS object. All the data is loading fine from the…
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1 answer

inline functions in c

i have inline c swap function for sorting an array but in the compile time it gives error that swap reference is undefined. by removing the swap it works; what is wrong with code inline void swap(int* a, int* b) { int temp = *a; *a = *b; …
1 answer

#include "another_source.c", use inline function( ) there, then does the function( ) become inline as well?

Let's say I have two files named "AA.c", "BB.c" /* in AA.c */ inline void AA(void) __attribute__((always_inline)); void AA() { /* do something */ } and then /* in BB.c */ #include "AA.c" extern void funcAA(void); int main(void) { …
Kiseong Yoo
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1 answer

background Invalid property value in Chrome

I am getting background Invalid property value in Chrome. What am I missing here? html: Email template
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Difference between asm and __asm__ in kernel code

I was looking how memory barriers are used in the kernel (Linux kernel v4.19-rc5). I don't understand the difference between asmasm and __asm__. For example, consider barrier function: static inline void barrier(void) { asm volatile("" : : :…
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1 answer

Image and text inline and stacked for responsive

It has been some time since I really coded, and my mind just can't get this (easy) problem. I need a banner at the top of a page that has an image on the right and text on the left that appears to be one long image with the BG blending with the…
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0 answers

Converting Image SVG to Inline SVG using javascript/jquery

Trying to determine how I can include a prefix....such as "tst-" I am trying to prevent this script from interfering with any svg I do not want converted to inline. This example Works: test image Console.log displays…
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1 answer

How to add inline annotations for QTextEdit?

How I can add inline annotations like in Qt Creator? I'm using QTextEdit widget. Here is a screenshot with inline annotations demontration.
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1 answer

Telegram (simplest) inline bot send photo 2 times on iOS

I have an inline bot similar to @pic and it works ok, when I type query word I can see pictures appear so I can choose one and send to a chat. The problem is when I do - 2 copies of same result are sent. This happens only on iOS client. On Android,…
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0 answers

refresh (or redraw) one ROW from "datatables" component WITH inline editing

After days of searching I decided to ask experts :) This is my problem : I'm using datatables (from the excellent , combined with inline editing function that are NOT provided by Inline editing is…
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2 answers

Inline a common method

I want to inline TraitA::x() method without knowing who implements TraitA. For example: (Note: StructB implements TraitA.) let a: &TraitA = &StructB { x: 0f32 }; a.x(); // This should access `a.x` field directly // as `TraitA::x()` always…
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