Questions tagged [ini]

The INI file format includes text-based initialization information for programs. Its structure is composed of "sections" and "properties".

INI is a file format for saving configurations. They are basic text files with a specified format. An INI file contains key/value pairs, which are divided into sections. For example, an INI file for a mobile phone OS could look like this.


enable_password = true
;should a password be required to unlock the phone
password_on_unlock = true 
password = AC4d201cxDAc30F5AC4d201cxDAc30F5

A section name is put between square brackets. Each line after the section title contains a key/value pair, separated by an equals sign (=). Lines starting with a semicolon are comments.

The INI file format is not well defined, many implementations handle INI files differently. Some ignore whitespaces in key or value names, while some don't. Some implementations allow for the number sign (#) for comments, while some others don't.

1553 questions
1 answer

How do i view access database ini file records?

I have a vb6 project. It was developed by senior. Now I want to change the existing code. I am new for vb6. The database file like ini format. Actually he worked with access database. I want to create some tables in this database. Please give any…
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creating a csv file adds extra line while creating an ini file does not?

I tried to create first a csv file then create a ini file from the csv file I created. The issue is, when I parse the ini file it throws error. I checked the csv file (record from database), there is an extra line at the bottom. But when I create an…
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Get arount execution time limit in php

I've got some function that takes very long time to execute (downloading some external images in my case) and I want to avoid execution time exceeded error. Is there any way to avoid this (for example by dividing downloading of single images into…
Adam Pietrasiak
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Use a VBS to edit ini for users %appdata% folder

I have script that edits the a line in the ini file, which sits on users %Appdata% folder i.e C:\Users\<>\AppData\Roaming. The current script which I have only edits a file pointing to proper file location, but I would like to have script which can…
1 answer

How do I save an ADO connection string in an ini file???

I'm trying to save an ADO connection string in an ini file, but it isn't being created. I've used the IniFiles and Forms units. Here is the code I'm using in a data module. procedure TDataModule2.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); var FileIni :…
1 answer

Write chuck size into file

Hei, Can be possible in PHP to write into file using chucks size? Eg: i want this array $array = Array(0 => Array(1,3), 1=> Array(2,5)) to be written in file like this: [firstline] 1 3 [secondline] 2 5. I've tried to use "for" for looping after…
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1 answer

Read sections of INI file in VB .NET 2012

Can you help me on this? I want to get the section name and fields of my INI file. Example: [connection] server=localhost user=root password=root My program should return the section name and the fields: connection server user password Thanks in…
3 answers

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LOGICAL_AND

I want to get variables defined in php.ini file and below is the line to do that. $settings = parse_ini_file("php.ini"); It gives error PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LOGICAL_AND in path/of/file on line 218 That line in php.ini is…
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Displaying Chinese characters on a form from an INI File

My plugin reads the control caption text from an INI file (ANSI as UTF-8 encoding) in order to display multiple languages. Key point being it is a plugin, I have no control nor ability to change this INI file format or file type. They are currently…
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3 answers

I am trying to write to ini files in Delphi but I keep getting errors

Here is my code for writing to the ini file. Ini := TIniFile.Create(ChangeFileExt('StudentALevelMathsTracker.exe','.ini')) ; try Ini.WriteString('Settings', 'FilePath', edtFilePath.text); Ini.UpdateFile; finally Ini.Free; end; However…
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1 answer

PHP ini file Setup Linux

I've recently upgraded to a dedicated server; previously I was on a shared server, so I have no experience with the php.ini file. I've opened it and looked through it, searched Google and SO but nothing is clear to me. Can someone clear up, for me,…
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2 answers

What to use instead ini in C#

There must be a program that should generate WORD document (but that's not the point). It generates a document by data that the user writes in the program. And sometimes there is need to close application and do some other work and user don't want…
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1 answer

Including an INI file inside a dll one

I would like to insert an external INI file inside a dll project, using Visual Studio. Is it possible to do so?
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1 answer

Why does the background of my folder not change?

Finding an interesting concept in this blogpost I saved this file as desktop.ini in a folder: Nothing happens when I open the folder. What should I change about the code I have in my desktop.ini to achieve the desired results?
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1 answer

Using Configuration in C# code

How to use or operate an ini file using C#. Like reading, writing section, keys, values. I heard about nin.dll(or something like that) but I unable to use it. Also i am using sharpdevelop and dot net version 4.0 Thanks in advance.
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