Questions tagged [influxdb]

InfluxDB is an open-source time series, events, and metrics database written in Go, with no external dependencies.


2385 questions
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Posting ipmitool data to influxdb for use in grafana

My Linux bash skills are rudimentary so I am seeking some help. I am attempting to insert some CPU temperature data into an influx database so that it can be displayed on a Grafana dashboard. So far I have been able to retrieve the CPU temperatures…
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Is there a best practice for querying large numbers of tags in InfluxDB?

I need to query an InfluxDB v2 series containing IoT data using dynamic grouping, but I’m struggling to find an appropriate way to do it. Setup I have 1000+ IoT devices transmitting regular metrics. I can retrieve one device using: from(bucket:…
Chris Armitage
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Which time series database system on an SD card

I have briefly looked at Graphiti and InfluxDB for storing time series data. Usually these systems are deployed in a cluster in the 'cloud' which allows them to process large amounts of data. Now I am researching if I could run these systems on an…
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InfluxDB Flux - get count of distinct occurrences

I'm trying to get a count of unique occurrences of a tag. I'm using a 'filter' to select the relevant data, then distinct to return only the distinct values. The problem is, distinct seems to return 2 tables. My Flux query…
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InfluxDB impossible to aggregate net measurement in telegraf database

We use telegraf for storing metrics in our InfluxDB. As we’re running out of disk space we’re using RPs and aggregating data and store them to different RPs. We ran into problem with aggregation of measurement called net which has around 94 fields…
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Is Laravel compatible with TimescaleDB

I'm running Laravel 7, and I used outflux to migrate my from influx to timescaleDB. I have migrated from InfluxDB to TimescaleDB with the hope that I will be able to query timescaleDB with the same postgres connection at the same level that any…
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Inserting data into InfluxDB from Python Dictionary

I currently have a Python script that scrapes a list of servers' web diagnostic page for two values and saves them into a Python dictionary. Originally I was trying to insert into MySQL, but the way the dictionary was structured it wouldn't let me…
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getting issues with integrating influx db with newman - Postman report

I am trying to configure a GIT pipeline to push the postman-newman report to time series database influxdb. I have the configurations for influxdb added to my command. But, While running it, I keep getting this error: [-] ERROR: while sending data…
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Grafana Template Variables Query Giving different results in different version (Grafana 5.0 vs Grafana 7.0)

I am using template variable queries to assign a variable in Grafana. SELECT * FROM jmeter WHERE application =~ /$tag_left/ ORDER BY time asc LIMIT 1 Result JSON of this query…
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Convert CSV file data into JSON format using Python

I have few data in a CSV file. I wanted to convert this data into json format. By using the below code i am able to convert only last line of my CSV file, but not all rows of CSV data. Also in my csv file there are many columns but script is…
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Combination of two queries in influxdb

I am currently using influx 1.7 in grafana. I wrote this query #1: Max force = SELECT “force” FROM “final” WHERE (“current” < 0.725) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY “coil_id” and query #2: Max Drawing = SELECT max(“force”) FROM “final” WHERE (“speed” > 10…
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Get range where value is over limit in InfluxDB

We have data in influxDB, where the timestamps are not necessary in an fixed time interval. For the data, we want to get the ranges in which a value is above (or below) some limit. Getting the points which are over the limit is easy: SELECT [FIELD]…
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No data shown for past day under 'Last X days' range

When viewing my dashboard with a 'Last X days' (Last 7 days, Last 90 days) no data appears for last day of the range. When I manually select the whole time range so that it is a custom range, the data appears. This happens for every new day.…
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How can I visualise the concurrency of events in grafana?

I have a measurement in influx which represents a processing task. Each row has a start and an end time, and I'd like to try and visualise the concurrency of these tasks in grafana. I imagine a graph where the x-axis denotes time, and the y-axis…
2 answers

Does "tag" consume less storage space than "field" in influxdb?

According to the influxdb official doc , tags are indexed. However, I do not need to filter data with tags when querying. Using the given example in the official doc time location …
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