Questions tagged [incomplete-type]

In the C and C++ languages, an incomplete type is "lacking sufficient information to determine the size of objects of that type." (Examples: variable-length arrays, forward declarations of `struct`s, and the `void` type.)

In the C and C++ programming language, an incomplete type is

"lacking sufficient information to determine the size of objects of that type."ISO C11 standard, section 6.2.5


The standard mentions the following three instances of incomplete types:

  1. an array type of variable, or unknown size, such as char *argv[].
  2. a type that describes an object but lacks information to determine their sizes, such as struct foo_tag;
  3. the void type (which, unlike the other two, cannot be completed)


310 questions
1 answer

C - Dereferencing pointer to incomplete type - insert string into Binary Search Tree

I get a dereferencing pointer to incomplete type on line 58: rootNode->_left = NULL. Any ideas? Also there is a lot of code commented out to single out this error but I have another question about the format of this ADT: The usual Binary Search Tree…
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1 answer

Incomplete Implementation View Controller

I am making an app in Xcode. It is my first app and I'm getting an error that says "Incomplete Implementation" in my ViewController.m file. Here is the line of code where I get the error: @implementation ViewController : UIViewController;
2 answers

I keep getting the error invalid use of incomplete type 'struct familyFinace' how do I fix this?

I am trying to append a node but I keep getting the error incomplete type 'struct familyFinace' how do I fix this? #include #include #include #include using namespace std; struct familyFinance{ …
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1 answer

C Field has incomplete type, without forward declaration

I keep getting the "field has incomplete type error," but I can't find any forward declarations for that type in my code, or for any of the types in it's struct--aside from pointer fields. I tried recursive grep the folder, and still couldn't find…
Patrick Jeeves
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2 answers

C error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type, struct

I know this question is asked tons of times, but I cannot seem to link it to my problem. My problem is something to do with filling out a web of structs Here is my buggy code src\fpu.c:17:7: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type …
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1 answer

Defining custom iterator over map object: mysterious "incomplete type" errors

I cannot define a custom iterator over std::map because Foo is an "incomplete type". What is wrong and how can I fix it so the custom iterator is defined correctly? More specifically, I have a map object in another class Bar: struct Bar{ …
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1 answer

C++ compiler option to allow the use of incomplete type in classes that make use of each other?

Is there a compiler option that will allow the following code to compile, without moving the function definition to the bottom? class first{ int a; void func(second b){} }; class second{ int a; void func(first b){} };
1 answer

Why can't I dynamic_cast this object?

void test() { Token test(); Actor* check; check = dynamic_cast(test); } This method gives me the following error and underlines the test in the braces with red. The operand of a pointer dynamic_cast must be a pointer…
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3 answers

Declaring array without specifying the row size?

How can a[][3] declaration is right where as a[3][] is wrong in C?
3 answers

When is forward declaration not enough?

The #include problem class widget { }; class fubar : public widget { // 1 void value_parameter(widget); // 2 void ref_parameter(widget &); // 3 void ptr_parameter(widget *); // 4 virtual void value_parameter(widget); // 5 …
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