Questions tagged [imshow]

The imshow is a function from pyplot library that displays an image on the axes.

The is a function from library that display an image on the axes.


See also:

649 questions
1 answer

Can I display 2 images at the same time at python?

I'm working now with image processing and for debugging I want to see both the image before processing and after. I'm using pycharm. Can I display 2 images, one at a window, at the same time?
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2 answers

Convert date-time format in float

these data are of type: pandas.core.series.Series how can I convert to float values so that I can display them on the axis of a plot? I want to display the time in the x axis in this plot that i got with imshow.
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1 answer

C++ program hangs on imshow command

I have some C++-Code which for some reason keeps hanging. This is the code: using namespace std; using namespace cv; int main(int argc, char** argv) { cout <<"started"; Mat im(256, 256, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(255)); for (int j = 0; j < 255; j++) { …
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1 answer

What is wrong in this code as it is not giving output picture?

The code is not giving the output picture import numpy as np import cv2 as cv img = cv.imread('Picture1.jpg',0) cv.imshow('image',img) cv.waitKey(0) cv.imwrite('Picture1.jpg',img) cv.destroyAllWindows()
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