Questions tagged [imgur]

Imgur is a free and popular image hosting service that does not require registration to use.

Imgur is a free and popular image hosting service that does not require registration to use.

536 questions
1 answer

android upload to imgur and retrieve path to img

I have been reading on imgur.coms examples and also on on how to upload images to to upload the image i use this code: Bitmap bitmap = image; // Creates Byte Array from picture ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new…
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JSON coming back with syntax error? (IMGUR API)

ETA: Here's the JSFiddle, check your console: So I'm just trying to load a subreddit from the IMGUR API: $.getJSON('',function(data){ console.log(data) }) But I end up with…
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Imgur uploads working via client-side javascript but not node.js. Flummoxed

This works: $.post( '', { key: 'dsfdwerwersf53534dfsfse3', image: '' }, function( data ) { console.log(…
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1 answer

Uploading Image to Imgur on Windows Phone

I'm currently trying to build an app that involves the user selecting a photo from their library (or taking a photo) and uploading it to Imgur. I have already built a fairly robust C# Imgur client for Windows Forms applications, but unfortunately…
William Thomas
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Retroactively passing token information, after receiving it from the Imgur API using requests-oauth

I'm new to using any API, as well as HTTP requests, so I'm having some trouble. I'm not sure how to pass token information to the API, after I get it from a GET request. The imgur API says it needs the three endpoints: but…
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Is there a way to load an imgur image with a foreground script and bypass CORB?

I have this Chrome Extension where I want an image to load in any webpage. When I put the source of the image in an IMG tag, I get this warning in the console saying I can't load cross origin content. I understand this, and I have seen that a way to…
1 answer

Imgur Api Fetching Gallery using Fetch es6

I have to create a gallery of image using IMGUR API . I have client id which i made using imgur website . Now i have to fetch data from gallery which can be from section like top, user ,viral . I am not sure how to pass…
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3 answers

How to hidden the img source IP?

I have a img label embed a image path of mine public server, and show the image to users: but this is security risk, because users can get my image source server( So, is there any…
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1 answer

Upload b64 image to imgur

I am trying to upload a b64 image ( to imgur and keep getting the following error: HttpErrorResponse {headers: HttpHeaders, status: 400, statusText: "OK", url: "", ok: false, …} error: data:…
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1 answer

How can I replace a picture in php with a link to a picture?

I have the following line of code:
I want to replace the start-bg.png with an imgur link,…
Mark Done
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1 answer

Do I need through an authorization first for using Imgur API?

I am totally new to API's and especially Imgur API, examples on the website may be clear to an experienced guy. I feel like there are gaping holes that I need to fill in but I am not clear. I am doing this: let form =…
1 answer

imgur extract codes from links in C# Regex

I'm trying to convert a imgur link to an embedded code. I've found this Regex that works to extract the imgur code in JavaScript. I need your help in a code that extracts one or more matching imgur links from a string in c#. Here is the JavaScript…
Idan Shechter
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4 answers

images from is not displaying on website

I am using simple html tag to display images from Modern Dashboard Design this was working few days back, but now it is not showing. Image is…
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1 answer

How to display images in html?

I have a working app using the imgur API with python. from imgurpython import ImgurClient client_id = '5b786edf274c63c' client_secret = 'e44e529f76cb43769d7dc15eb47d45fc3836ff2f' client = ImgurClient(client_id, client_secret) items =…
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1 answer

Random image generator from Imgur album

I'm looking to create an Apache site using PHP so that each time a person directs to it, it will grab a random image from a previously created Imgur album full of images and display the image onload without ever leaving the website. I am thinking I…
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