Questions tagged [iedriverserver]

Internet Explorer Driver Server is required to execute Selenium WebDriver tests in IE

90 questions
1 answer

Single click in selenium acts as double click

I have a simple code where I click on a link and it opens up a new window. But while executing the script, single click acts as double click on the same element and 2 windows are opened. I am using InternetExplorer driver String baseURL =…
0 answers

Python Internet Explorer driver using its own proxy instead of the proxy I have set

The browser traverses all the webpages correctly but is listening on a different port in spite of specifying the port in the below code. I am trying to initiate the internet explorer driver using selenium and browsermob-proxy with the following…
3 answers

Unable to retrieve page_source using IE11 and Selenium using Python

driver = webdriver.Ie() driver.implicitly_wait(5) url = "" driver.get(url) driver.maximize_window() print("=======") print(driver.page_source) print("=======") This is my code and it print nothing Selenium 2.53.1 I've added…
2 answers

Selenium Webdriver sendKeys enters values in IE11 32 bit but then removes it

I have to enter text in a input box in a selenium test in java. I am using below code to do that and it enters the characters but then deletes it: WebElement…
2 answers

Unable to Launch IE from Selenium - Protected Mode settings are not the same for all zones

I am trying to lauch IE using below code : driver = webdriver.Ie("IEDriverServer.exe") driver.get("") This was working earlier, But i tried changing the security level in internet options, and after that it is giving below…
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selenium with IE: click button to download the file, and then clicks other buttons, the process will be stuck

By using selenium with IE 11 and Python 3.6.3, need to download Excel and PDF files from Website with selenium: click download button send keys S to save file click other button to download When I execute the third step, my code was stuck without…
2 answers

How to handle IE browser with Zoom other than 100%?

Some of the teams are using IE for which we added ie capabilities including the one specified below: cap.setCapability("ignoreZoomSetting", true); Now if my zoom is set to 100%, I don't face any issues with execution. But in case my zoom setting is…
1 answer

IE Protractor Test issues with IEDriverServer not being present

I'm trying to get IE to work with protractor. I suspect the issue is with the driver. When I enter in Webdriver-manager status, I get the below status. [13:05:13] I/status - selenium standalone version available: 3.141.59 [last] [13:05:13] I/status…
1 answer

What is the correct IEDriverServer version to use with IE 11 through Selenium

I just got updated to Windows 10 (x64). My old desktop had IE 11 but a lower version, as it was running Windows 7. I now have the following IE version: Version: 11.648.17134.0 Update Versions: 11.0.115 I downloaded the latest IEDriverServer.exe…
1 answer

Unexpected error launching Internet Explorer. IELaunchURL() returned HRESULT 80070002

I am facing below error when i run the selenium from gocd server to window server via ssh . Unexpected error launching Internet Explorer. IELaunchURL() returned HRESULT 80070002 ('The system cannot find the file specified.') for URL…
1 answer

IEDriverServer sends text very slowly using Selenium to the search field

I'm using selenium and python on windows7. My code: import os from selenium import webdriver # get the path of IEDriverServer #dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) #ie_driver_path = dir + "\IEDriverServer.exe" ie_driver_path =…
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Javascript errors in Selenium IEDriverServer

I have a selenium test engine written in C#. We're constantly getting failures due to IEDriverServer. The exception only states "javascript error" It is never consistent, but happens more than enough to make a "production" use of the engine…
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1 answer

Error while invoking Internet Explorer browser using Selenium

Can anyone please help with the Selenium code below. I am getting an error while invoking Internet Explorer for automation testing. Code : import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import; public class…
1 answer

"Command line server for IE Driver has stopped working" error while executing tests with Selenium, IEDriverServer through Java

I have been getting this series of intermittent failures with IEWebDriver: Firstly a test fails and is not able to close the driver with using the .quit() method. I think this first failure is because IEDriver bombs. I get a dialog box…
3 answers

Unexpected error launching Internet Explorer. IELaunchURL() returned HRESULT 80070012 with Selenium 3.13.0: IEDriverServer_x64_3.13.0

My selenium test cases were executing just fine on internet explorer 11 browser but some thing got changed and now I'm getting the below error. Started InternetExplorerDriver server (64-bit) Listening on port 32274 Only local connections…