Questions tagged [identity-aware-proxy]

39 questions
0 answers

IAP connector not routing request to on-prem. "No healthy upstream"

I'm trying to setup Identity Aware Proxy for my backend services parts of which resides in GCP and other on on-prem,according to the instruction given in the following link Enabling IAP for on-premises apps and Overview of IAP for on-premises…
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Google Cloud Run Hosted User Sign-In 'Redirect' Throws Error When Using External Identity Providers

I have a Google Cloud App Engine app that functions correctly when either I allow unauthenticated AllUsers access or turn on IAM for controlling access in Identity Aware Proxy. However when I follow the instructions on this page…
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How to retrieve identified user information on a GAE React app protected by IAP

I have an application made with React on GAE protected by IAP. I would like to show the logged in user's email address on the app page. According to the documentation, there is a header named "x-goog-iap-jwt-assertion" that includes identified user…
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Emulating Google IAP headers in development

I'm setting Cloud Run app in GCP. I'm want to use the IAP framework. In my development environment I want to get the headers provided by the IAP. Is there a best practice for this without hardcoding? I'm using vscode and docker. I want to be able to…
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Connect to Compute Engine From App Engine or CLoud Run with firewall and IAP

I have an SFTP server running on Google's Compute Engine. The firewall is setup to allow traffic from the Identity aware proxy. I can connect to the service using gcloud ssh locally but I can't connect from App engine or Cloud Run. The service…
1 answer

Using PROXY: command-line: line 0: Bad configuration option: ProxyUseFdpass?

For security concerns, needed to set GCP Compute Engine instance to not have External IP (external ip = None). In that case, it defaults to Identity Aware Proxy. IAP - to the same targets - does succeed from other machines, but not some in my data…
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How to setup a similar Identify Aware Proxy from GCP in Azure

In GCP, it's easy to setup a IAP (hide your apps under a Google oAuth service). For more info: Does Azure has something similar?
Ramon Medeiros
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How do I modify IAP OauthClient

I just noticed that two of my projects have the same OauthClient for IAP on GCP. I want to update one of the IAP resource so that each of my projects got unique OauthClient but I can't find how.. Any help ? Workaround So this ain't a solution but in…
1 answer

Client specified an invalid argument error from Firebase Auth UI

I have appengine application protected by IAP/GCIP using email as external provider. Using sample angular project for firebase authentication as provided in iap-gcip-web-toolkit github project, I want to use this authentication UI for the appengine…
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