Questions tagged [identifier]

An identifier is a name that identifies either a unique object or a unique class of objects.

1253 questions
1 answer

How to use keyword as an identifier in c?

I read on a book of C Language "LET US C" that certain keywords can be used as an identifier but i don't know how. CAN ANY ONE HELP ?
1 answer

C# GCP auth2.0 403 mismatch redirect

I'm using this code to try to get the auth from Google: await HttpContext.ChallengeAsync("Google", new AuthenticationProperties() {RedirectUri = "/"}); The thing is the redirect always take the HTTP url even if I'm running it from https url. The…
1 answer

How can I use the same name for two or more different variables in a single C# function?

How do I delete a variable that is once declared and defined? For example, in C++ I would do: int x; .. delete x; How can I do it in C#? (i need to do something like this: switch (something) { case 1: int Number; break; case 2: float…
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1 answer

Is int π; is valid syntax in java?

I have some doubt ,i want to know that is int π; is a valid syntax in Java Or Not because Java support UNICODE so according to me it can be valid but I want to make sure
2 answers

xCode iOS Dev - Parse Issue : Expected Identifier?

Check this out & let me know what you guys think is wrong. Thank you very much. :)
1 answer

Java Valid identifier

I am preparing for my school test and i have a Simple question: Which of the following is a VALID identifier? a. this b. that c. int d. double e. not of the above I think the answer is b.that do you agree and why?
2 answers

Identifier in C++ cannot be a keyword, can it?

I can describe my moment mood with the following keywords: this new private protected case for public try throw long false signed union or not friend delete double auto class and return short static break using true virtual volatile while do…
3 answers

Compiler Error, variable nameOfMonth might not have been initialized

I receive a compiler error saying that the variable nameOfMonth might not have been initialized. I know this is probably a simple fix but I am stuck and cannot seem to find an answer on Google. public class Switch { public static void main (…
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