Questions tagged [ide]

IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) are computer programs that facilitate efficient software development by providing features beyond those of a simple text editor.

An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a computer program that facilitates by providing features beyond that of a simple text editor. Some typical IDE features are debugger/ support, tools/support, design tools and even performance analysis tools.

An IDE is intended to maximize a developer/programmer's productivity by providing a streamlined interface tuned to the task of software development. A modern full-featured IDE includes advanced features such as preemptive hints (when typing the first character of a variable name, for example), and tools to analyze the program at run-time (such as a debugger).

List of Some Free IDEs

10298 questions
2 answers

Identifying Views in the Visual Studio Tab List

In MVC you are likely to have many views with the same name (such as Index.cshtml or Edit.aspx) for the various controllers. Depending on your working style, you might end up with a few tabs open in Visual Studio ending up with a tablist that looks…
2 answers

Installing subclipse on Eclipse manually

I have downloaded subclipse from The zip file i downloaded contains the following two folders and 4 files /features /plugins artifacts.xml content.xml index.html site.xml Can i…
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Is there an Eclipse plugin that will let you diff a single Java method across multiple Subversion revisions?

We're in the bug fix phase of a project. I'm trying to fix a feature that regressed sometime in the last 2 months. I think I have isolated the problem to a single Java class' method. Ideally, I'd like compare how this method evolved over the last…
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Emacs VS Sublime Text 2 (on PC)

I'm struggling to find a VS between emacs and sublime text. The only difference I've found is it's easier to use sublime text. I don't care about easiness but efficiency. I've watched a bunch of emacs video and it seemed really efficient, played a…
David 天宇 Wong
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10 answers

Free C Language IDEs?

Googling for "c ide -C++" produces too many results for C++, as well as unrelated results. These search terms seem too short to produce relevant results. Does anyone have a link to a free, Win32 C IDE that does step-through debugging like Visual…
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Java debug using socket vs shared memory

In Java development on Windows there are two different transports that can be used while debugging. What are the advantages of using Socket transport on the same computer where the app is running? I know Socket can work on a remote computer. But I…
Alexandru Luchian
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1 answer

How to format a Java file in Vim like Eclipse

I am using Vim to edit a Java file, but I find the way Vim formats Java files is very different from Eclipse. If I select the following code and press =, Vim does not format the code the way I would like. Can anyone help me? Before Format: case…
Frank Cheng
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2 answers

Create a WPF library in Visual Studio Express

I am trying to make my code more reusable by placing commonly recurring utility classes and user controls into a packaged library. The IDE is making this difficult, as so far, I have found that it always defaults to Windows Forms user controls and…
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3 answers

Netbeans IDE - Automatic Suggestion while typing

hi i am using netbeans 7 IDE for java programming , and i am acutally a C# programmer and in visual studio whenever i type anything it displays a dropdown menu with suggestions , i want that to be enabled on netbeans IDE without having to press CTRL…
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2 answers

Eclipse Java autocomplete has white text on white background

I'm using Eclipse for Windows and autocomplete is giving me white text on white background. Is there a setting I can change to fix this? I've looked around but there doesn't seem to be an answer on the internet. Thanks!
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3 answers

Do multiple Eclipse-based IDEs conflict with each other?

Based on a previous question, where I asked about IDEs to support development in multiple languages, Eclipse and Eclipse-based IDEs were mentioned in some of the answers. If I were to use these tools, would there be conflicts between them, or can…
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6 answers

Better PHP,MySql,HTML and JavaScript IDE

I am currently using the below IDE's. They serve their purposes but am wondering if there are better ones out there that i can switch to. phpDesigner v6.2.5 (For PHP) Navicat 8.0.29 (For MySql) Dreamweaver CS3 (For HTML & CSS) Spket IDE (For…
War Coder
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3 answers

Is there a tool like Resharper for Visual Basic 6 IDE

I sadly have to work in the vb6 ide more than i prefer. I am totally spoiled by the use of Resharper when working with C# in VS2010. So my question is: Are there any tools out there extending the VB6 ide? What i miss most are the navigation features…
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4 answers

Java IDE *on* iPhone?

Is there any Eclipse-like (or just any) for developing Java programs from my iPhone? Note that this does not refer to developing java apps for the iPhone. I just want to sometimes develop on my cellphone, even if it is a pain in the ass.
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3 answers

Netbeans: Auto Format - Prevent Space Formatting on Variable Assignment

I prefer formatting assignments like this: $foo = $bar; $long_foo = $bar; instead of this: $foo = $bar; $long_foo = $bar; However the latter is being used by Netbeans when using auto format. Anyone knows how to fix that?
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