Questions tagged [httprequest]

HTTP Request is a message within a request/response sequence, according to HTTP specification. May also refer an HttpRequest class in software frameworks and libraries that automates relevant functionality

From W3C specification:

A request message from a client to a server includes, within the first line of that message, the method to be applied to the resource, the identifier of the resource, and the protocol version in use.

    Request       = Request-Line              ;
                    *(( general-header        ;
                     | request-header         ;
                     | entity-header ) CRLF)  ;
                    [ message-body ]          ;

See also:

7047 questions
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Blank response on cross domain POST Request

I'll Start with a basic introduction of what i am trying to achieve, basically i am integrating my web application with an ERP(Tally ERP 9) they provide an HTTP/XML API Which is listening on port 9002 and my application is on port 8085 so the…
1 answer

How do I Access Response Header in Http Request

I'm making a call to an external API. The data it returns, annoyingly, is in the header (the text response is empty). How do I access the header of the response? This is what I'm trying: Dim httpRequest, postResponse Set httpRequest =…
Martin Hansen Lennox
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php http request adding random hex code to body

I have a CSV export on my web system and am trying to query this from a client. I have never had any issues, but for some reason, for one of my clients, the returned data has an extra 4 characters just before the body that I cannot work out where…
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Calling a http Request in background failing inside dispatch serial queue

I have a http request to make whenever a new location has been found asynchronously, for handling request, i have create a class called background requester which takes care of all these requests. The following code sample is as follows. -…
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How does iTunes block my non-Apple device?

I'm trying to load the following resource from a non-Apple device: The URL was served by the iTunes Search API. It plays fine from an iPhone browser but my Linux Chrome…
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How can I get a JSONP from a server that serves only JSON?

I am writing an application in GWT that is supposed to get the JSON from external server. I am using JsonpRequestBuilder but I always get failures (timeouts) since this is a JSON no JSONP. If I would have my own server then I would be able to…
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NoSuchFieldError when calling execute on DefaultHttpClient

I keep getting a NoSuchFieldError when I call execute on my DefaultHttpClient instance. These are the lines of code I have. HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpPost post = new…
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Got "EAGAIN" error when sending request with "request module" (node.js module)

I have the same code for my Windows and Linux. It works on Windows but failed with my Linux. Code: request({url:target_url}, // ANY URL WILL FAIL function (err, response, body) { console.log(err); Out put error for this in my console: {…
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Character encoding in a GET request with http.client lib (Python)

I am a beginner in python and I coded this little script to send an HTTP GET request on my local server (localhost). It works great, except that I wish I could send Latin characters such as accents. import http.client httpMethod = "GET" url =…
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How to make HttpRequest object case-sensitive

I am working on asp .net web project, In which i am stuck in architectural issue. I having two Request parameters with same key but they are Case sensitive. Param names => reportDate and ReportDate As we know Request object internally implements…
Pavan Tiwari
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Send data using msxml2.xmlhttp.3.0 to web to select Datepicker in EXCEL VBA

The following is the HTML of part of a web page. "input name="ctl00$ctl00$AllContent$ContentMain$ucMktStatCtl$txtDate" type="text" id="ctl00_ctl00_AllContent_ContentMain_ucMktStatCtl_txtDate" onkeypress="javascript:return fnTrapKD(event,…
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How to use httpclient or HttpURLConnection to call jersey rest service with List @FormParam

i am trying to call a jersey service from android @POST @Path("/share") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED) public Response shareProgramVideo(@FormParam("from")Integer from,…
0 answers

Sending SSL Certificates with ActiveXObject WinHttpRequest

I need to send a SOAP envelope to a URL but the connection requires certification. Trying to submit without returns: WinHttp.WinHttpRequest error '80072f0c' A certificate is required to complete client authentication I've little experience of such…
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How many simultaneous connections per domain does Safari on iOS allow?

I'm just wondering how many simultaneous connections per domain does iOS Safari on iOS allow? I've got a web page that uses long polling (up to about 40 seconds) and I am under the impression that all HTTP requests get queued until the server…
Gyum Fox
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gettext-commons per-request locale in servlet

The gettext-tutorial states that The preferable way to create an I18n object is through the I18nFactory. The factory caches the I18n object internally using the the package name of the provided class object and registers it with I18nManager. Thus…
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