Questions tagged [httponly]

HttpOnly is a flag in the cookie header to hide data from JavaScript

HttpOnly is a flag in the cookie header, indicating that the browser should hide this cookie from JavaScript and only use it for HTTP and HTTPS requests.

Important Note

HttpOnly just makes exploiting XSS vulnerabilities a little more difficult. It does not provide protection against XSS.

External Links

241 questions
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Custom 404 not setting HTTPONLY on cookies using Classic ASP and IIS 7

I am having an issue with getting IIS7 to make all of my session cookies HTTPONLY when using a custom 404 page. This is my webconfig:
1 answer

Does HTTPOnly flag apply to persistent cookies

I understand HTTPOnly flag applies to session cookies. Does it apply to persistent cookies? Is anyone able to provide a reference? I have checked on HTTPOnly flag but it is not explicitly stated.
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Why can't both HTTP Only and Secure flags be set in the cookies using Apache WebLogic?

My architect tells me that when using Apache to Front-end WebLogic, WebLogic can't set the Secure flag in the cookies. Why is that? We are using Apache to create FIPS 140-2 compliant HTTPS connections. Update: The reason given is that "The cookie…
Mike Jr
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HttpOnly and Secure flag testing

I have set the following under web.config in my app
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are there implicit cookies created while web navigation? / httpOnly flag

In my website I am not using any kind of cookies, everything goes through server-side session handling. (no setcookie instruction at all) But still, using Acunetix website vulnerability checker, I get a report about "Session cookie without httpOnly…
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HttpOnly and Secure not set for sub path cookie

I have the following in web.config... These settings are being applied to my site's cookies correctly except for a cookie called 'UMB_PANEL' with a path of '/umbraco'. I have tried adding a…
Ian Warburton
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Need Cookies value on client side with Httponly attribute true

We are setting the parameter httpOnly true in web.xml file to prevent the cookie creation at client side. This is causing the reading the cookies values .we are using the following way to read the JSESSIONID cookie in…
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httpservletrequest is null when http-only is set to true

I am using JBoss 7 and I have configure my session config in web.xml as follows: 240 true However, in my servlet, i am getting a nullpointerexception when…
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How can I tell if httponly is set in my application

Without looking over the shoulder of a developer, how can I tell if HTTPonly is set properly from the front end of my web application?
eerik aljas
2 answers

httponly cookie web 3.0 causing unexpected timeout

Just recently, I migrated from web 2.4 to web 3.0. One of the requirements of this migration was that, I need to introduce the 'httponly' cookie in my application. So, I added the following sessionconfig element to my…
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Get HttpOnly cookies with javascript

do you know of any way to get access to HttpOnly cookies using javascript. I know that the point of those cookies is that you won't be able to get them this way (for security reasons). But still, is there absolutely now way to achieve this? Hasn't…
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Express to express - How can httpOnly cookie can be forwarded?

When the frontend (A) is hitting the backend for /login, The backend ExpressJs (B) responds with a httpOnly cookie by doing: ctx.res.cookie('auth-token', jwt.sign({ userId: userId }, APP_SECRET, { expiresIn: 100000 }), { httpOnly: true, …
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How use JWT payload to store session user data?

I am building a web application with an API BACK-END side written in Symfony and a FRONT-END side written with Angular 7. My problem is to retrieve user data from the back-end and to store it in session on front-end side. I use JWT for…
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exclude regular expression

I have a regular expression for the HttpOnly configuration : Header edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ $1;HttpOnly;Secure For Appdynamics EUM, i want to exclude from this regular expression everything that begin with "ADRUM" (without quotes). How can i proceed…
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ASPSESSIONID missing HTTPONLY attribute for classic ASP

I am trying to find a way to enable HTTPONLY on the ASPSESSIONID cookie that is auto generated for classic ASP sites. I know that .NET 2.0+ sites have the ASP session cookie defaulted to HTTPONLY, but I need to get this configured for classic ASP. I…
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