Questions tagged [http-method]

HTTP methods used to designate the appropriate action to direct a server towards a resource. GET and POST are the most widely known; PATCH and DELETE also fit in that category, among others.

332 questions
1 answer

Official way to implements PATCH method in REST with partial update

I definitely didn't find clear way to do partial updates quite automatically (possible by comparing field by field object in databse and partial object). I saw some tracks like : here but I don't know what is its magic MapperService here but quite…
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Is There a Table That Shows HTTP Method Support by Browser

Possible Duplicate: Are the PUT, DELETE, HEAD, etc methods available in most web browsers? I've seen lots of stuff that generally say "not all browser support all HTTP methods" etc., but is there a nice table that shows specifically which HTTP…
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4 answers

Is there any performance difference when using different HTTP methods?

I know how HTTP methods work and for what they are designed, but I'm curious to know if some methods are faster than others when using just to get data. In the team I'm working on I noticed a lot of JQuery ajax requests like this below: $.ajax({url:…
Marcelo Assis
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3 answers

Using ajax post,get, put, delete etc Vs html post and get only in spring pros and cons

I joined a project which uses spring framework and all the calls are made by ajax requests and the redirection after success is defined in the view itself and passed to the ajax JS function through a hidden input (so the return ModelAndView at the…
Ismail Marmoush
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3 answers

How do I do HTTP Purge from Java?

I'm trying to perform a PURGE with HttpUrlConnection like this: private void callVarnish(URL url) { HttpURLConnection conn = null; try { conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod(PURGE_METHOD); …
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PUT request to upload a file not working in Flask

I am working on a web application using Flask. One of the views is supposed to accept uploaded files through PUT requests, however I only can get POST requests with $ curl -F upload=@filename URL to work properly. With PUT requests such as $ curl…
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2 answers

Blueimp jQuery File Upload and HttpHandler: No File and always "OPTIONS" HttpMethod

I'm struggeling getting the Blueimp jQuery File-Uploader working on MVC 3 with IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2. I'm using an HttpHandler to handle the Upload, which get's called. But the HttpHandler never recieves a file nor the HttpMethod "POST"…
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1 answer

How to do a Post/Redirect/Get (PRG) in FastAPI?

I am trying to redirect from POST to GET. How to achieve this in FastAPI? What did you try? I have tried below with HTTP_302_FOUND, HTTP_303_SEE_OTHER as suggested from Issue#863#FastAPI: But Nothing Works! It always shows INFO: "GET / HTTP/1.1"…
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1 answer

Django. ''The `actions` argument must be provided when calling `.as_view()` '' when I try to allow DELETE, PUT, ETC

I have to allow delete and update requests from front for my objects of some model. I wish to delete instance and appropriate row in DB. I tryed to use info from DRF tutorials (…
1 answer

HTTP POST method treated like GET on WebApi

I've been creating a WebApi controller, and I'm trying to use a HttpPost request to submit a new user for registration. This works fine on my localhost, but when I publish it to Azure I get a 405 method not allowed error with the message: "The…
5 answers

HTTP method to represent "fire and forget" actions in RESTful service

Thinking about REST, it's relatively easy to map HTTP methods to CRUD actions: POST for create, GET for read, etc. But what about "fire and forget" actions? What HTTP method would best represent a fire and forget action such as triggering a batch…
Richard Kettelerij
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4 answers

How do the httppost, httpput etc attributes in ASP.NET MVC 2 work?

In ASP.NET MVC 2, a couple of new action filter attributes were introduced, as "shorthand" for attributes in ASP.NET MVC 1; for example, applying the HttpPostAttribute does the same thing as applying [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] to an action…
Tomas Aschan
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3 answers

Best HTTP Method for Get or Create

I'm writing an HTTP based API, and I have a situation where the user specifies a resource, and if that resource doesn't yet exist the server creates it. It's basically built on top of Django's get_or_create method. What would be the most…
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2 answers

Using a custom value for HttpMethod

I'm using the HttpClient and I need to set a non-standard type for the HttpMethod. Where using HttpWebRequest only expects a string, HttpClient expects an HttpMethod. Enumerating the available values in HttpMethod, I don't see a way to add a custom…
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2 answers

Azure Websites PHP API - 405 Method Not Allowed on PUT and DELETE

I'm building a simple PHP web service using Azure Web Sites and I'm having trouble getting it to support PUT and DELETE http methods. Assuming it's something that'll have to go into the web.config file - I've tried a few options from around the…
Daniel Sharp
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