Questions tagged [http-get]

HTTP GET is a request method which should be used to retrieve data and should not change state of the server.

HTTP GET is a request method which should be used to retrieve data and should not change state of the server.

1503 questions
1 answer

Classic ASP HTTP Post from another server

I am litte confused, i want to protect one page in classic asp from being accessed by Get Method. Is it possible that someone can post data from another server to my page? If Yes, how to detect that and allow only post from my server. Thanks for…
riadh gomri
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4 answers

HttpResponse and BufferedReader

I am trying to read the buffer (android application) and set the value to my TextView 'httpStuff'. But i dont think i am getting some response from the URI. I don't get any runtime errors. I tried many flavour of the same logic. Nothing seems to be…
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1 answer

send GET http request from Android to local web server

I'm working on application that i want to store the coordinates to a local Database (wampserver) so I've done the php script and it works , but my problem is to execute that script.php from my app with HTTP GET method. I've found this code but it…
Jamel Naghmouchi
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1 answer

Which is the request limit in Postman and is it a way to change it

I know this is not a very programming question but I searched and didn't find an answer anywhere. So, after few requests on postman (some simple GET requests that are not so resource consuming) it returns this message: { "code": 43, …
Leo Messi
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1 answer

Java - how to set Local Storage values in a HTTP GET request?

I am trying to do an HTTP GET request to a website that needs authentication and it normally stores the auth token in browsers' Local Storage. I tried to set this token using CookieHandler and CookieStore, but the website only search this token in…
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1 answer

Symfony 3.4 : Filter/validate GET parameters

I would like to filter the data sent by a GET request in a symfony controller. With the given data as an array by $request->query->all() for exemple, I want to filter the keys to only keep the one I need AND with the good type. Ultimately, I want to…
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1 answer

java.lang.NullPointerException at error

I'm trying to access some URL via Java. In my code I have provided credentials for the server authentication. I have also extracted a list (in xml form) of available URL's on the server and put them into an array where I can call each of the URL in…
1 answer

HttpURLConnection connect() , getInputStream() , getContent() , HttpGet

I use the class HttpURLConnection , but Iam confused with some methods assume the HttpURLConnection object name is "c" removing c.connect() will result in a success connection and it will retrieve the connection result without any problem the…
Sherif Eldeeb
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1 answer

Java android simple http get method

We are building an Android app to control a little light conneted to a webserver. The purpose is when we click the button there will be send a simple httpGETrequest to: We have tried a lot of different ways, and none of…
Laurens Wolf
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1 answer

C# / .net GET unexpected behaviour

Doing a simple GET from C# var webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.Headers.Add("Accept", "*.*"); webClient.Headers.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate"); webClient.Headers.Add("User-Agent", "runscope/0.1"); var response =…
3 answers

HTTP Get Not Working

Edit: I'm extremely sorry for how poorly I asked my question at first, I was extremely frustrated and tired but I know that really isn't an excuse. Anyway, I edited it. I have also already looked a lot on the StackOverflow forums and other ones and…
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2 answers

Android HttpGet doesn't work

I have a problem with HttpGet that I've searched on stackoverflow and on other websites, I even followed some examples but nothing to do, it doesn't work. This is my code: HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpGet …
2 answers

how to get response of get Request on java

I'm doing an android app, and I just do an get http request and I just wanna knows what I'm doing bad. this is my request: try { String encodedUserNAme = idDispositivo; encodedUserNAme = URLEncoder.encode(encodedUserNAme, "utf-8"); …
1 answer

stop UI thread until http responses

I need to get data from a server via a php script I'm using an AsyncHttpClient and an AsyncHttpResponseHandler from the loopj library. public void buttonListener (View view) { if (view.getId() == { //start loading... …
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1 answer

How to receive HTTP GET requests in Java application?

I need my Java application to be able to receive HTTP GET requests like this: https://host:443/{myApplication}?param1=...¶m2=...¶m3=... How to do that? I mean - getting HTTP GET requests in the application and making it possible to request…
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