Questions tagged [html5-fullscreen]

The feature of the HTML5 Javascript API that allows for a document element to be displayed fullscreen.

138 questions
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webkitRequestFullscreen() changing viewport / dimensions of webpage on chrome on android

For an application, I need to send chrome on android into full-screen mode. I know that I need to use the Fullscreen API, which involves calling Element.webkitRequestFullscreen(). So, I call this on document.body as I want everything to be put into…
Joe Iddon
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2 answers

Phaser Full Screen Api Not Supported

Currently i am developing application using phaser js. Is this a browser compatibility issue or it is on the phaser js issue where in the full screen api is not functioning Here is code snippet that I use if (phaser.scale.isFullScreen) { …
Oli Soproni B.
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Allow scaling while on fullscreen

I'm working on a responsive website that is currently set to not be user scalable, using the following META tag: However, I want images to be…
Nir B.
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Playing HTML5 video in fullscreen onClick of an image

I have created a simple bootstrap grid which contains 9 images. Now onclicking a particular image, it should play a video in Fullscreen. Methods which I tried
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How do Android Launchers start Chrome in Full Screen (WebApp) mode?

I've got a sticky situation. I'm developing a kiosk-style tablet application on JellyBean, and we're stuck with JellyBean. We don't install a standard launcher on our Android tablets, and instead supply our own Home Screen/Launcher app, so that…
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Is there a way to detect when a browser exits full screen mode using javascript?

Is there a way to detect when a browser exits full screen mode using javascript? Background info: I am working on an HTML5 Player and have a button to enter full screen. When in full screen mode, I want the toolbar (for the player) to be…
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How does today's Google Doodle "force" fullscreen in iOS9 Safari?

Today Google has another quite complex game as their doodle: I'm pretty amazed at how well it works on mobile phones. In fact in one respect it works a lot better than I thought…
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Fullscreen API - How to expand the element to fullscreen slowly

I know about the Fullscreen API. I'm trying to make a div expand to/collapse from fullscreen slowly (say, over 2 seconds) as opposed to instantaneously. Is there an easy way to that?
Ege Ersoz
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Set image to full screen height on PhoneGap - Understanding window.devicePixelRatio

I'm trying to set an image to be the full height of a screen on a phoneGap app. Currently, I'm using the following code to determine the screen "dimensions" and I'm using javascript to set the image resolution to those dims.…
1 answer

Is there a workaround for entering fullscreen with keyboard events in Microsoft Edge?

There seems to be a bug in Edge where you can't enter fullscreen using a keyboard event. Is there a workaround for this? document.addEventListener('keydown', function(evt) { // Does nothing in Edge. …
Sean Fujiwara
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How to request fullscreen in compiled dart

I'm playing around with a Dart app trying to get fullscreen mode to work. My HTML (excluding boilerplate):
Clicking this should cause it to go fullscreen!
My Dart code: import 'dart:html'; void main() { var div…
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Is it possible to show HTML elements that are outside of a fullscreened div in front of the fullscreened div?

I know how to overlay HTML elements that are within the div being made fullscreen, using z-index where needed. For example, this works fine:
However I have…
Ben Holness
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How to enable image zoom in fullscreen API mode only?

Codepen Demo Link : I know we need to write a code for zooming option only in Full-screen mode. Does anyone know how to do it simply by using CSS and JavaScript without any library help. Javascript Demo…
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WebView after closing fullscreen view, webview auto scrolls to top

I have webveiw (with fullscreen support) on the fragment. The issue is when i close fullscreen the webview scrolls it position to top. Noticed: the issue appears only if apply FLAG_FULLSCREEN flag (but i need to apply it to have real…
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How to go fullscreen with an onclick event - Phaser3

Hi would like to know if we can go "real" fullscreen with a click event on a Phaser3 game. I tried so many things and nothing work. I have an object and i would like to click on it to put the game on a fullscreen mode. Hope someone had this problem…
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