Questions tagged [hover]

Hover refers to the action of placing the mouse cursor over a given element. Hover can also refer to an event in which a user on a touch-enabled device touches a given element.

Hover (sometimes referred to as ) is an event in which the user places the mouse cursor over any given element in a graphical user interface. Hover can also refer to an event in which a user on a touch-enabled device touches a given element.

In most cases, when hovering an item such as, for example, an , the cursor will change from default to pointer (small hand with index pointing) to indicate to the user that the item is clickable.

9811 questions
3 answers

jQuery finding 'nth-child' value

I have a ul set up as navigation, which I'll be animating on hover. As all the nav items are different widths, I'll be storing their default widths in an Array, so that on hover out, these widths can be passed back in to the animate method. What I…
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jQuery - Hover after DOM change

With $('#sidebar').toggleClass('small'); Im adding adding/removing specified class from #sidebar. When #sidebar has class small I should be able to perform additional actions when user hover over #sidebar.small. I have tried to accomplish that with…
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Preventing .hover event from being spammed if the mouse is quickly moved on and off the element

I have implemented a simple pop-up which appears if the mouse is moved over a certain element, however, I can cause a chain of .hover events by running my mouse over and off the element rapidly. What I mean by this is that even once I'm no longer…
Thomas Russell
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How to add hover effect to an image in specific location using css or jquery?

I'm working on an image map and when I hover on the state part of the image it will have an hover effect. Since this is just a .png file then is there any ways to add hover effect to a certain part of the image? So when I hover over the star icon…
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How to override CSS style during hover in a table row?

I saw several questions on this forum related to my problem but neither of them were helpful, so am posting here. I have a table where a style is applied at table level(.tblSignal) and td level (.tdSignalName). Here is jsfiddler link My problem…
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1 answer

Testing CSS ':hover' pseudo-class

I'm having real trouble testing the behaviour of my CSS :hover pseudoclass. I've tried the following approach, as well as wrapping the test.assertEquals in an event listener as casper.on('mouse.move', function(){test.assertEquals(...);}) to no…
1 answer

How to change hover color for iconfont icons?

Just beginning learning web development. I understand how to change the hover color for regular links using .classname a:hover{} but every variation of that I've tried hasn't worked. I think there's some quirk to my icons because I downloaded them…
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CSS border and the :hover dynamic pseudo-class

I have built a persistent dropline menu with two levels using only CSS. It is pretty standard. It is a nested set of UL's and the UL's :hover state is what shows and hides the sub menu levels. Something like this: | *Pets* | Colors | Cars | | Cats…
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Pinterest image button getting in the way of my :hover css

I have some pseudo code like this:
and css like so: .hiddenatfirst{ display:none; } .container:hover…
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Text flickers on hover CSS

When hovering over the image to prompt the text to appear, the text and banner flutter once you put the mouse over it. How can this be prevented. Any help would be appreciated thanks. Here's the sample. Html:
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3 answers

Adding hover trigger from another div

I am trying to activate the native hover effect of a div from another div. I understand that I could do this all in jQuery and add the styles in there, but would rather leave the native :hover in the CSS. I'm just wondering if there is a way for…
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How to zoom in when hover on image but make border stay in place?

I'm quite new to CSS and HTML and I want to create an image that zooms in fast when you hover. But the box radius zooms in as well. I know I'm doing something wrong with my div classes but I can't figure out what exactly. So I mean I want an effect…
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1 answer

How do I show a sign up/log in field when hovering over it

#aanmelden:hover { } #inloggen:hover { } When you hover over Log In/Sign Up it will have…
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1 answer

making a:hover shrink the img

My button links are just links in the html with a background image in css. In the CSS I also have the dimensions of the image so that the whole thing is displayed. I want the image to shrink to 95% whenever the mouse hovers over the image. I have…
Jonathan Grant
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