Questions tagged [hosted-app]

49 questions
1 answer

is it possible to install an Edge extension to a UWP app?

I was wondering if we are able to load an Edge extension in an HTML-based UWP app. Any info would be helpful, even installing during the building process or after that could help.
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SharePoint Hosted App : Workflows require a WSP package to be included in the project

I am having an issue when packaging up a SharePoint Hosted app. I have a SP Hosted app Project and another project within the same solution that creates a WSP file when packaged. Now, whenever I try to package the app so it generates the .app file.…
1 answer

Access Data in SharePoint Hosted Add-in Web

I have the following problem. On a SharePoint Online Environment a SharePoint Hosted App is installed that stores it's data in a list. I need to get data form this list, but the web of the SharePoint Hosted App does not allow any type of access…
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Cordova App doesn't work on web server

I am new to Cordova. I have created an Cordova app on Mac and after executing following command $ sudo ionic serve -l I have copied www folder from MyApp/platforms/browser/ and placed it on my web server. Yesterday, it did work but suddenly it…
Gohar SUltan
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Get SharePoint group permissions level name based on group name Using SharePoint Rest API

I am trying to get SharePoint User group permissions (Ex: Read, Contribute) based on the group name using SharePoint Rest API. My goal is to get the permission level of the group and disable features on our custom app based on the permission levels.…
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Get value from multiple lists

I'm developing SharePoint hosted app to calculate values from multiple lists under same site collection. I've to lookup the lists with similar names. Ex: Root site: /dev subsites: /dev/site1 /dev/site2 Both site1 & site 2 have list named…
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Sharepoint-hosted App 2013 How to I enable ratings on a custom list

Before i posted this question i have done some research to find the solution...with no luck Here are some links to items i found document rating in SharePoint 2013 hosted…
Noah Wallace
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4 answers

SharePoint Hosted App 2013 - ASPX with c# code behind

I have a small question which ends in a big topic. Is it possible - and yes how - to use C# code in a SharePoint 2013 Hosted App? I tried to have a .asmx file within my project. Then I get this error. @"Error 1 CorrelationId:…
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Manifoldjs Failed to run the app for Android platform

I followed the following steps in order to generate a mobile app for my website using manifoldjs: 1. > npm install manifoldjs –g 2. > manifoldjs 3. > cd /generated/folder 4. > manifoldjs run Android Everything worked…
Waiyl Karim
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Hosted application : File permissions , passing arguments from javascript to application

I am very new to web hosted application area. I have an exe application. It is a windows console application. It takes some arguments( number and strings) and output some (numbers and string) . I want to make it web hosted. For simplicity we will…
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Localizing Chrome Hosted App Urls

I'm attempting to localize a chrome hosted app that uses the Drive SDK and it's not obvious how to route people to a custom URL based on the locale. Within manifest.json I want to put the locale in my app.launch.web_url so once a user lands on my…
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Hosted application returning to log in page

I have a security layer that allows access to sub sites hosted in an adjacent folder in IIS 7 using a Custom Membership provider. IIS /Security Layer /Hosted Sites /Site 1 /Site 2 etc... So a user will…
Sean Forman
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Reload the page to get page source for error, dont know what is wrong

Hi i am new to zend framework , i have created an app which will allow the user to edit an image and put some text inside the image, so i have decided to learn zend framework, by implementing personalmug application, I have uploaded the app to the…
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Chrome packaged app cookie access, legacy packaged app creation

I'm developing an application that helps user learn foreign languages. We have been using chrome hosted app + background page that was sending notifications (something like flashcards with words to learn) through…
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Google Chrome Package App: How to add icon on notification area?

Is there a way to add an Icon on notification area / system tray / system icon for my google chrome package app? Can it also listen when the icon on notification area is click (left or right)? If this question is already posted, please provide me…