Questions tagged [home-directory]

A home directory is a file system directory on a multi-user operating system containing files for a given user of the system.

As defined by Wikipedia: "A home directory is a file system directory on a multi-user operating system containing files for a given user of the system." Although specifics may vary from system to system, a general convention is that executable programs and system wide configurations are stored in shared directories while users' home directories are reserved for their personal information, be it password files, documents or even source code they're developing.

174 questions
1 answer

How to convert ~/. path to absolute path

I have the following file: ~/.config.txt which is located in /root/.config. In order to avoid hardcoded paths in my Python file, how can I always replace (and correctly refer) to a ~/ path as in Python? This way I could replace ~/.config.txt…
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6 answers

How can I make Perl recognize paths with '~'?

Possible Duplicate: How do I find a user's home directory in Perl? I'm running Ubuntu. Whenever I pass a Perl script a path that starts with ~ (e.g. ~/Documents/file.txt) it fails finding it. I must pass the canonical path (e.g.…
David B
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SaltStack: $HOME of users which does not exist yet

I create a user foo on a minion. The minion evalutes /etc/default/useradd. This means the salt master does not know whether the new $HOME will be /home/foo or in our case /localhome/foo. How can I get the $HOME of user foo as jinia variable? I need…
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3 answers

How to make babun/cygwin home directory equal windows home directory?

I just installed babun, a variant of Cygwin. I want the cygwin user home directory to equal my windows home directory. So, to be clear, I don't want to add the cygwin home to the C:\Users as a new user, I want it to be the same as my current windows…
Chiel ten Brinke
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2 answers

Read user home directory from PHP

I cannot find a way to get the user's home directory (e.g. /home/jack; whatever ~ in bash points to) in PHP using CGI (suPHP). The $_ENV array is empty, and getenv('HOME') returns nothing. The reason I want to do this is that in absense of…
Bart van Heukelom
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mac osX packageMaker: how to set the destination to the user home directory?

I am building an installer on mac osx 10.6.8 with packageMaker 3.04. I can install a particular content at "destination" /Applications that is fine. Now, I need to add another content to the user home directory (/Documents) I have tried ~/ and…
1 answer

How to prevent users installing packages via pip

I wish to PREVENT users from running pip to install packages into their home directory. I have a fairly large number students who have network mounted home directories and file and space quotas on their directories. I want to be able to allow them…
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Writing to ~/Documents folder in Node.js on macOS?

In Node.js, I am attempting to write into the Documents folder of the user (on macOS): var logger = fs.createWriteStream('~/Documents/somefolderwhichexists/'+title+'.txt'); This gives me an error, but I am not sure what is wrong. The error says:…
George Welder
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4 answers

How to get user home directory on Windows?

I'm developing a cross-platform library that is meant to load configuration files from a user's home directory. The idea is to automatically provide configuration parameters without editing code. This library can be used in desktop apps or in…
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mount: /dev/mapper/centos-home: can't read superblock

I've a very big problem. Today after 3 months of activity on my home server I shutdown it and restarted it. It boot in recovery mode. I see from journalctl logs that the problem was: can't mount /home I edited /etc/fstab and insert the 'nofail'…
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How to evoke R home directory in file name construction?

I'm using R under Windows XP. It picked up the environmental variable HOME from windows which is, > Sys.getenv("R_USER") R_USER "H:" However, how can I use that variable quickly in a file name? In particular, if I have a file stored at…
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2 answers

Typesafe config file in home directory

From what I have read the typesafe config library reads from the classpath or system variables. This doesn't work very well for me because passing many arguments on the command line is not feasible and I don't want our devops team to have to rebuild…
1 answer

How to pass a reference to distribution home directory using Gradle application plugin?

I'm using a Gradle application plugin and I want to create distribution which contains conf directory inside app home folder. This dir should contain several configuration files. e.g. java.util.logging properties, etc. To point JUL my configuration…
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1 answer

Create dmg installer with $HOME/Application folder

I have created script for application installation into root Application folder (/Application), but I'm not able to create the same one for user home folder $HOME/Application (~/Application). Here is my…
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Applying and transferring all settings/binaries of one user to another user in Linux

In a linux machine, we may have to compile our programs with respect to that linux machine. Now, if we already have some other users (not root. A typical user.) who have already compiled many programs for this machine, is it possible to do…
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