Questions tagged [hiccup]

Hiccup is a library for representing HTML in Clojure. It uses vectors to represent tags, and maps to represent a tag's attributes.

90 questions
1 answer

How to repeat a list of items from a vector in hiccup?

If I have a vector name-lst as ["John" "Mary" "Watson" "James"], and I want to diplay them as list items, how do I do that using hiccup ? something like [:ul (for [name name-list] [:li name])] will return a list of [:li ] in between [:ul ]…
Amogh Talpallikar
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1 answer

Hiccup not working : FileNotFoundException: Could not locate ../as__init.class or ../as.clj on classpath

I'm just beginning with clojure and I'm trying to build a small web app. I wanted to try out hiccup but it doesn't seem to be working. My code is below. Project.clj (defproject WebTest "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" :description "FIXME: write description" …
Seth Paulson
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1 answer

Noir - unable to resolve symbol html5 in this context

I am trying to use noir and am following the tutorial that is given at the default tutorial and am using this code (defpage "/my-page" [] (html5 [:h1 "This is my first page!"])) However, clojure throws up an error and refuses to work.
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1 answer

Turn hiccup into html in a reagent application

This might sound a stupid question, but how do I turn a piece of hiccup into html in a ClojureScript reagent application? I want something like this : (html [:div [:p "hello world" ]]) that produces

hello world

This is what you…
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How to pretty print a Clojure data structure in HTML?

How to make the following code generate a similar visualization to pprint in HTML? (let [clj-structure {:ui {:selected #{[:A 3]}} …
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What is the preferred syntax for nesting a reagent hiccup element that is returned from a function?

Given a function to return an element: (defn title [] [:h1 "Hello World"]) What is the preferred way of nesting this inside another component? I've seen it done in a tutorial by wrapping the function call in a vector: [:div {:class "app"} …
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Why are these `select` elements not being rendered?

I'm working on a project for a client where there needs to be 125 dropdown menus displayed on one page. I of course am not going to manually add all those so I wrote a simple for expression to do it for me. This works for the vast majority of the…
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How to convert the following js style map to clojurescript?

I want to write this js style map in cljs: const pathLength = useSpring(yRange, { stiffness: 400, damping: 90 })
lamp bottle
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2 answers

How in Reagent with Hiccup make an element with takes all available space

I am trying to find out how in Reagent with Hiccup make an element with takes all available space. So an resize parent I will get :component-did-mount call back. (defn chart [id col-width row-height] (let [dimensions (atom {})] …
1 answer

Building nested vector from map in Clojure

I have a set of URLs, and some of the URLs have indirect references (as a vector). Any URL that does not have an indirect reference just has nil. I'm starting out with the following test map: {"URL 1" nil, "URL 2" ["indirect 1" "indirect 2"]} I'm…
R Jackson
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0 answers

Clojure file upload with hiccup, ring, compojure

I am trying to create file upload system. However, i stuck and can't resolve the problem. My core.cjl (ns hiccup-templating.core (:require [compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET ANY POST]] [compojure.route :as route] …
1 answer

Clojure form - Submit when press enter

I have a search-form that searches some text for me. When I type in the input box I have to manually press a button for it to search. Is there a way for me to hit enter on the keyboard and have that search, as well as the button? (defn search-form …
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Recursion in html like data structure using clojure

I have been thinking about this problem, but I can't figure out the steps to build my function: I have an hiccup like html data as input, this structure is composed by html and custom elements, example: format: [tag-name options & body] [:a {} []]…
Mateus Vahl
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3 answers

Clojure: Proper condp Usage

I'm rewriting my History of the World website ( in clojure and making great progress. I've reached the point where I need to use a conditional to output hiccup code for declaring CSS links based on which page I'm loading. I've…
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1 answer

How can I script math functionality in Clojure using Hiccup and Compojure?

I have a home page being rendered that requests user-input as vectors of integers. I need those data-structures, because they play nice with the math functions that I will use to manipulate the input: (defn home [& [weights grades error]] (html …
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