Questions tagged [hhvm]

HipHop VM (HHVM) is a virtual machine designed for executing programs written in Hack and PHP.

HipHop VM (HHVM) is a virtual machine designed to execute bytecode compiled just-in-time from both the PHP and Hack programming languages. It is maintained by Facebook.

HHVM is created as the successor of the HipHop for PHP (HPHPc) PHP execution engine, which is a PHP-to-C++ transpiler also created by Facebook. Based on the gained experience and aiming to solve issues brought by HPHPc, in early 2010 Facebook decided to create a JIT-based PHP virtual machine. Issues associated with HPHPc included its flattened curve for further performance improvements, lack of full support for the PHP language, and difficulties related to specific time- and resource-consuming development and deployment processes.

Versions and Support

|  LTS Version |  Release Date  |  End of Support  |
| 3.6          | 11 March 2015  | 28 Jan 2016      |
| 3.9          | 14 Aug 2015    | 15 July 2016     |
| 3.12         | 29 Jan 2016    | 30 Dec 2016      |

External links

522 questions
1 answer

How to run HHVM in Docker as a daemon?

HHVM does not go into background when running it in Docker using hhvm -m daemon. The process starts but does not return me to command prompt. ctl^c kills the process. My workaround is as follows: Install screen Run exec >/dev/tty 2>/dev/tty…
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3 answers

PHP HipHop + rewrite to index.php

I wasted many hours to find, how to redirect all requests to index.php. I mean: will become and $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI] === some-url?param&1 I've one hip hop archive (based on Nette Framework) and one…
1 answer

How can I run the compiled version of hiphop php hhvm of wordpress installation?

I would like to run the compiled version of hiphop php hhvm of wordpress. That is, without the php source code on production server. Can anyone tell me how to get it done? Thanks.
Sam Wong
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0 answers

How to redirect to using HipHop VM

How do I redirect to using HipHop VM. I'm not sure where to begin with since the rewriterules section seems to only apply pattern matching to the path I've tried RewriteRules { rootdomain { pattern = * …
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how to debug an hhvm server

I have wordpress running in a hiphop vm on ubuntu 12.04. My server works fine for about an hour and then it stops serving requests and just times out. I can see that the hhvm process is still running when I execute ps -aux | grep "hhvm" but it is…
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2 answers

How To Run HipHop/HHVM Using Build Ubuntu

I followed this tutorial for installing here: But I can't figure out how to run it. I've gone to to the hphp/hhvm/hhvm and I've run this on…
Devin Dixon
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HipHop Fatal error: syntax error, unexpected T_CLASS

I am trying to make a framework work for HHVM, but I am running into this weird error that only occurs in Hip-Hop HHVM. The same error only occurs in versions of PHP 5.2 and lower. The full error is HipHop Fatal error: syntax error, unexpected…
Devin Dixon
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1 answer

What are the advantages of HHVM and APC/other opcaches?

I know different situations call for different uses, but what are the advantages of using HHVM over an Opcache, like APC, for instance?
Robert Dundon
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1 answer

Converting HHVM bytecode to PHP

It is possible to convert HHVM bytecode to PHP? Something like this: Pseudo-main at 0 maxStackCells: 1 numLocals: 0 numIterators: 0 // line 2 0: String "123" 5: Print 6: PopC 7: Int 1 16: RetC Pseudo-main at 0 maxStackCells:…
1 answer

Where is my server.ini and php.ini File on HHVM?

i have installed HHVM with Homebrew and i can't find on my Mac OS the server.ini and the php.ini files.. hope you can help me guys. Have a good one.
2 answers

HHVM cannot be installed: "packages have unmet dependencies:"

I am in Ubuntu 14.04, 64bit and am trying to install HHVM. I have already installed Nginx. When I run the following commands: sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp://…
Kerry Ritter
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1 answer

HHVM cms, user permission on creating files

I am creating cms, and i am using hhvm as php compiler. hhvm is running as user nginx, and every file or folder that creates as user nginx:nginx. Then that user cant delete or change file via ftp. How can i solve this? I want to my files or folders…
Dejan Milosevic
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1 answer

HHVM slower than PHP 5.5.9 in CLI

Ok, so i really do want to use and believe in HHVM however in every test I perform HHVM is coming out slower than PHP. I have run many many different test some very complex scripts with lots of processing to simple scripts. For demonstration I shall…
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2 answers

Can I use HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) for my social website which is developed using PHPFox to increase the execution speed?

I've an already developed social website like Facebook. This website has been developed using PHPFox v3.0.7 (which is a social networking platform created in PHP). The website functions are working well, no issues with it. The main, major and…
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1 answer

Port 9000 not listed

I am using puphpet with ubuntu/nginx/hhvm. Everything works well until I restart the virtual machine. After vagrant reload or halt/up I get a 502 error. I notice that after one of mentioned actions the port 9000 is not listed. I have to restart the…
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