Questions tagged [hebrew]

The Hebrew language is written right to left (RTL), much like Arabic and Farsi, requiring special handling when mixing Roman numerals and Latin characters in order to maintain correct flow.

Questions in this tag must be posted in English, but examples can be given using Hebrew characters when relevant
!השאלות צריכות להיות באנגלית

Hebrew is a language of the Semitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic languages that, in modern and ancient forms, is an official language of Israel and a language in which much of the scriptures of Jews and Christians are written in. Hebrew is also a 22 letter consonant-only alphabet used for the Hebrew and other languages.

The Hebrew language is written right to left (RTL), much like Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, and Yiddish, requiring special handling when mixing Roman numerals and Latin characters in order to maintain correct flow. Hebrew also supports accents (Te'amim) and points (Nikkud) that may be displayed differently based on the preceding letters.

In UTF-8, Hebrew characters begin at U+0591 and end at U+05F4 (including punctuation and Yiddish).

In ASCII Hebrew can use several codepages, with the most common being cp1255 (windows-1255), followed by cp8859-8 and, less common, cp862.

Tag Usage

Use this tag for:

  • Any question relating to technical uses for Hebrew in computerized systems, conversions of different charsets, inputting, outputting, processing, or displaying Hebrew characters, and the like.
    • Users should also consider looking into other localization tags such as [rtl] and [utf-8] as many Hebrew problems are not unique to Hebrew but are localization related in general.

Do not use this tag for:

  • General questions about the Hebrew language or alphabet (off-topic).
  • Questions about learning or studying Hebrew (off-topic).
  • Requests for translation assistance between Hebrew and any other language (off-topic).
  • Questions written in Hebrew (Stack Overflow requires that questions be written in English).
723 questions
1 answer

importing data in Hebrew to python

Hello I am new to python. I have a data frame called psagot which has one column called SHEM_NIYAR_HEB with values in Hebrew .When I import the data to python I get gibberish instead of the real values. I read on the internet that the following code…
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1 answer

How to replace Hebrew Cantillation (not Nikkud) characters from string with PHP?

I would like to strip Cantillation from Hebrew strings, not Nikkud. I found this JS code. How do I do this in PHP ? function stripCantillation(str){ return str.replace(/[\u0591-\u05AF]/g,"").replace("׀",…
1 answer

How to Open Hebrew Keyboard Input on Mobile HTML Site

When a user fills in details on my site I would like to open a Hebrew keyboard for text input in mobile devices. I'm not looking for validators or regexes, but for Hebrew keyboard. Is it possible in Html?
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2 answers

PDO PHP hebrew doesn't work

Hey I tried a code that uses pdo with php and on the local wamp server it works perfectly and shows Hebrew and English but when I put the code on the web it shows me Hebrew as weird symbols like this ׳™׳—׳•׳“ ׳˜׳™׳™׳’׳¨׳™׳ ׳׳”׳ both the wamp sql…
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1 answer

C# - Datetime convertion and GetDayOfYear usage fails

There's the code: HebrewCalendar Heb = new HebrewCalendar(); DateTime tmp = new DateTime(1964,2,3); MessageBox.Show(Heb.GetDayOfYear(tmp)); it's very basic and simple, but yet - i get an errors: Error 1 The best overloaded method match for…
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1 answer

Python 3 - number of letters in an encoded string

I would like to get the number of letters in a given string. However, len(txt) returns the number of letters in the unicode form (I guess), but the actual number of letters is less then what I get. for example: txt = שלום וברכה len(txt) # returns…
Ron U
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3 answers

Insert php hebrew var into mysql

I have this code $myname="דוגמא"; $sql="insert into tbl_users values (" . $myname . ")"; $command = $con->prepare($sql); $command->execute() now if i write the $myname like this $myname="\'דוגמא\'"; it works good otherwise the results in db…
eli chen
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2 answers

Python regular expressions and Excel

Im trying to perform regular match on data that came from excel to python array using openpyxl but the data came as unicode and "None" is allways given by python. The data in Hebrew and i whant to convert the strings from excel to strings that can…
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1 answer

Non-latin url filename ended as 404 http not found

I have a web site that has PDF files to open on antoher tab. These PDF's have Hebrew characters and thus the URL has also Hebrew characters. While developing on Visual Studio I had no problems at all, but after deploying my site on the host, I can't…
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1 answer

Convert Hebrew with vowels to extended ascii?

I have Hebrew text that contains vowels so it is in some kind Unicode which I'm not familiar with. I don't want the vowels and I would like to convert it to Hebrew using extended ascii where I believe Hebrew starts at ASCII 128. How can I do this?…
3 answers

Hebrew Unicode to Integer Conversion VBA

I am trying to convert the following Hebrew Unicode into its integer equivalence using VBA: בּ Technically speaking, this composition is made of ב and ּ (a letter and a vowel) using AscW(), I get 1488 for the letter and 1468 for the vowel if I do…
1 answer

Regular expression find word Hebrew

I'm looking for a pattern to find exactly word Hebrew on Article content. Example: $word = 'דף הבית'; please help me!
1 answer

.ENCODING international chars (hebrew,thai,russian,chinese,....)

international html files archived by wget should contain chars like this (example hebrew and thai:) אב הם and ยคน instead they are saved like this: íäáåãéú and ÃÒ¡à§é How to get the these displayed properly? iconv filename.html iconv: illegal…
1 answer

Php - Download a Hebrew Site - Character issues

Does anyone know how to download a page such as: When I do it, I get this in the header: ×–×”-וזה - רכב: מ×זדה ל×× ×˜×™×¡ 323 תת ×“×’× glx ×וטו'…</div> <div class="grid ai-start jc-space-between fw-wrap"> <div class="grid gs4 fw-wrap tags "> <a href="../../questions/tagged/php" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'php'" rel="tag">php</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/curl" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'curl'" rel="tag">curl</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/web-scraping" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'web-scraping'" rel="tag">web-scraping</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/hebrew" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'hebrew'" rel="tag">hebrew</a> </div> <div class="started mt0"> <div class="s-user-card s-user-card"> <time class="s-user-card--time" datetime="asked Jan 17 '13 at 16:01">asked Jan 17 '13 at 16:01</time> <a href="../../users/2357370/aaron-gibson" class="s-avatar s-avatar__32 s-user-card--avatar"> <img class="s-avatar--image" src="../../users/profiles/2357370.webp" data-jdenticon-width="32" data-jdenticon-height="32" data-jdenticon-value="Aaron Gibson" onerror="onImageLoadingError(this);" /> </a> <div class="s-user-card--info"> <a href="../../users/2357370/aaron-gibson" class="s-user-card--link">Aaron Gibson</a> <ul class="s-user-card--awards"> <li class="s-user-card--rep" title="reputation score">1,106</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__gold" title="1 gold badge">1</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__silver" title="18 silver badge">18</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__bronze" title="34 bronze badge">34</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mln24"> <div class="question-summary" id="question-summary-9541633"> <div class="statscontainer"> <div class="stats"> <div class="vote"> <div class="votes"> <span class="vote-count-post"><strong>-2</strong></span> <div class="viewcount">votes</div> </div> </div> <div class="status "> <strong>2</strong> answers </div> </div> </div> <div class="summary"> <h3><a href="../../questions/9541633/check-if-hebrew-query-exist-in-mysql-db-returns-false" class="question-hyperlink">check if hebrew query exist in mysql db returns false</a></h3> <div class="excerpt">So my problem is like this: I have a mysql database that contains information in hebrew, each row has a column named "name". When I send a hebrew query to the server (by submit GET) i'm asking the php page to find the row where the name equals to…</div> <div class="grid ai-start jc-space-between fw-wrap"> <div class="grid gs4 fw-wrap tags "> <a href="../../questions/tagged/php" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'php'" rel="tag">php</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/mysql" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'mysql'" rel="tag">mysql</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/database" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'database'" rel="tag">database</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/where" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'where'" rel="tag">where</a> <a href="../../questions/tagged/hebrew" class="post-tag grid--cell" title="show questions tagged 'hebrew'" rel="tag">hebrew</a> </div> <div class="started mt0"> <div class="s-user-card s-user-card"> <time class="s-user-card--time" datetime="asked Mar 02 '12 at 23:07">asked Mar 02 '12 at 23:07</time> <a href="../../users/1157353/shahar" class="s-avatar s-avatar__32 s-user-card--avatar"> <img class="s-avatar--image" src="../../users/profiles/1157353.webp" data-jdenticon-width="32" data-jdenticon-height="32" data-jdenticon-value="Shahar" onerror="onImageLoadingError(this);" /> </a> <div class="s-user-card--info"> <a href="../../users/1157353/shahar" class="s-user-card--link">Shahar</a> <ul class="s-user-card--awards"> <li class="s-user-card--rep" title="reputation score">11</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__silver" title="1 silver badges">1</li> <li class="s-award-bling s-award-bling__bronze" title="5 bronze badges">5</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="s-pagination pager fr"> <a class="s-pagination--item" href="../../questions/tagged/hebrew_page=47" rel="prev" title="Go to page 47">Prev </a> <a class="s-pagination--item" href="../../questions/tagged/hebrew_page=1" rel="" title="Go to page 1">1</a> <a class="s-pagination--item" href="../../questions/tagged/hebrew_page=2" rel="" title="Go to page 2">2</a> <a class="s-pagination--item" href="../../questions/tagged/hebrew_page=3" rel="" title="Go to page 3">3</a> <div class="s-pagination--item s-pagination--item__clear">…</div> <div class="s-pagination--item is-selected">48</div> <a class="s-pagination--item" href="../../questions/tagged/hebrew_page=49" rel="" title="Go to page 49">49</a> <a class="s-pagination--item" href="../../questions/tagged/hebrew_page=49" rel="next" title="Go to page 49"> Next</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script src="../../static/js/stack-icons.js"></script> <script> /* replace <time class="fromnow" /> with human delta between `datetime` attr and now */ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){ var time_elements = document.querySelectorAll("time.fromnow"); for (var i=0; i<time_elements.length; i++) { time_elements[i].innerHTML = moment(time_elements[i].getAttribute("datetime")).fromNow(); } }); </script> </body> </html>