Questions tagged [header]

This tag is deprecated because it lacks discriminating power. Please use a more specific tag instead, e.g.: html-heading, email-header etc.

This tag is deprecated because it lacks discriminating power. Please use a more specific tag instead, e.g.: , etc.

12624 questions
1 answer

How to debug headers sent errors in Node.js

I'm getting a lot of Can't set headers after they are sent errors, and they never seem to give me line numbers in my app.js, is this normal? How do people debug these errors? My code that is throwing the headers error looks like this, is it doing…
Ben Humphreys
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4 answers

How to set the header sort glyph in a .NET ListView?

How do I set the column which has the header sort glyph, and its direction, in a .NET 2.0 WinForms ListView? Bump The listview is .net is not a managed control, it is a very thin wrapper around the Win32 ListView common control. It's not even a very…
Ian Boyd
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5 answers

Objective-C: Simple question about header file declarations

A beginner here, developing for the iPhone, with an extremely simple question: What is the reason behind declaring a method in a header file, and then filling it out in the implementation file? Does this always have to be done? Also, I know to…
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1 answer

.NET Native application equivalent of Modify Headers Firefox Addon

I am trying to develop a socks tunneling application in c# that is able to open a website by using add and modified header requests (something similar to Modify Header Firefox Addon) and tunnel the data through a proxy (socks preferable). Please can…
Chibueze Opata
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1 answer

What color code is this?

I'm looking at a code snippet which places text in an excel header: headerText.Append(@"&""Calibri""&20&K04-024HEADER-TEXT"); &""Calibri"" modifies the font, &20 modifies the size, and &K04-024 modifies the color (to navyish). The question is, what…
Dylan McCurry
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8 answers

PHP header() does not work

Does somebody know why my header() does not redirect? The last part of my script is: header("location: test.php"); die('died'); It writes: died. :((( It should has to redirect before it dies, but it does not. Do you have you any idea?
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2 answers

WCF HTTP Headers Using HttpRequestMessageProperty and OperationContextScope

I realize this is a question that's been asked time and again, but I can't find a list of "gotchas" that I can take a look at. I'm writing a WCF client that will consume an SAP web service, using a customBinding in my web.config with allowCookies…
Peder Rice
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1 answer

Changing User Agent

I am trying to change my user agent like this [req setValue:userAgent forHTTPHeaderField:@"User-Agent"]; Where userAgent is an NSString and it seems to work in the app because when I NSLog it it shows up as what I changed it to NSLog(@"user agent =…
Clinton Walsh
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1 answer

Where to add HTML5 tags?

Let's say you want to use a
tag for the header part of your site. But currently your header is made from 3 elements (because of design-related reasons), like:
1 answer

Kohana 3.2 request->headers['Content-Type'] keeps failing

This won't work in Kohana 3.2 for some reason: $this->request->headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'; Has this changed since Kohana 3.1?
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4 answers

source file and header in c++

I have a question about source file and header in c++. I have a header which is used to declare the functions. And I implement these functions in C++. Now I need to use these functions in other files. Should I include both source file and header…
4 answers

PHP MYSQL header() location

I have a class that inserts users into a database, although I'm having a little trouble initialising header() re-direct. Here is my code public function Register() { $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; …
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1 answer

How do I set HTTParty configuration parameters on my class dynamically?

The simple_client.rb file below works perfectly fine against my emulation cas server; however, the casport.rb file (main file of oa-casport OmniAuth strategy) is not setting or passing the headers / format properly. It needs to be dynamically…
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1 answer

How do you prevent the WebClient class from automatically following the location in headers?

Is it possible on the WebClient class? E.g. something like: MyWebClient.AllowAutoRedirect = false; (of HttpWebRequest)
The Mask
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7 answers

How can I find out where my output started?

I noticed that there are two empty lines above the HTML in the source code of my website. It looks like this:
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