Questions tagged [gulp-sass]

a gulp plugin for compilation of Sass to CSS.

gulp-sass is a gulp plugin for compilation of Sass files to CSS files.

Basic example of usage:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');

gulp.task('sass', function () {
    .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))

The plugin can also be used with gulp-sourcemaps:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');

gulp.task('sass', function () { 

gulp-sass accepts node-sass compatible options, e.g.:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');

gulp.task('sass', function () {
    .pipe(sass({ outputStyle: 'compressed' }))
718 questions
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How to source files in parent directories

I'm trying to combine multiple scss files into one, similar to Gulp: How to create a task that compiles multiple SASS files?; however one of my files is above my gulpfile: /project_root/ fe/ common/ …
Jakob Jingleheimer
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Generate sourcemap for each partial

I'm using the gulp-sass and would like for each partials he manages a sourcemap , I can do this using the less but did not see a way to do this with sass. _partial.scss ( within it have to have a mapfile ). _partial2.scss ( this also ).
Edmo Lima
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Gulp not running gulp-sass

I installed a new distro (Elementary OS 0.3 Freya 64 bits) on my PC and setting up my workflow I'm having a problem running the gulp-sass package. When I run the gulp command it return the error: $ gulp [10:26:06] Using file…
1 answer

Gulp Bower error on default task with Libsass & Susy

When I run the gulp task (default) for the first time, the sass task gives an error on a Bower package. More specifically on Susy. The error: Plumber found unhandled error: Error in plugin 'gulp-sass' Message: file to import not found…
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Critical CSS cache embedded scripts and mis behaves with Gulp/ npm

A quick little breakdown: I'm setting up a boilerplate. At the moment I have Gulp converting scss to css via gulp-sass and then after I use critical to get the above the fold CSS & embed it in the head via . Initially it worked the problem came…
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drupal 7 theming + gulp + sass + browserSync no css injection

I'm able to get browserSync.reload({stream:true}) to css inject into a wordpress theme. When I try the same gulpfile.js in a Drupal 7 theme a hard reset works, browserSync.reload(), but css injection does nothing,…
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gulp-sass giving no result

I'm trying to use gulp and gulp-sass to compile bower components in my project. I am using Windows 8. The problem Im having is that gulp-sass seems not to be working. Or at least not giving me the result of the compilation. The weird thing about it…
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What does "./" mean in Gulp.js?

I've been reading up on Gulp. In the following code you'll notice that in the gulp.src and the gulp.dest that the path starts with ./ gulp.src('./scss/*.scss') .pipe(sass({ includePaths: ['bower_components/foundation/scss'] })) …
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Gulp "watch" is not running the sub task "sass" on file change

I am using Gulp for watch and sass complier. When I start "watch" first time then "sass" complier runs and its create the css files as per given path. However when I change the .scss files then it doesn't call "sass" complier again. Following is is…
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If gulp is watching conditional

How can I apply a condition argument based on if gulp is watching or not? gulp.task('styles', function(){ return gulp.src('sass/**/*.scss') .pipe(sass()) if (isWatching) { // gulp.dest to the .tmp directory if "gulp watch" …
0 answers

Gulp.src isn't returning any files, or something?

I was working on a new project at home last week and now I am in the office I am having no luck with Gulp. There are no errors when I run Gulp but it isn't creating any files, I tried using Gulp-tap to see if anything was getting piped but its not.…
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Unable to load ionic css file(s) compiled from sass (.scss) using gulp-sass

I'm trying to move an application over from a Grunt build to Gulp. My Gulp build generates a ionic.css file which I attempt to load with a link tag in my index.html. I get an error in my chrome inspector that the file is not found at that path even…
Brad W
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Gulp sass task running slowly

I have this Gulp task in my 'gulpfile.js' which utilises the gulp-ruby-sass plugin. When I run it, it tasks at least 8 seconds to compile. The equivalent script in Grunt can take less than 1 second so I am confused as to what is causing the…
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Gulp Ruby Sass - RegexpError: failed to allocate memory :/\n.*/

I have installed Gulp on my project and was working perfectly. Today when I run gulp build the project it is giving error: gulp plugin ruby sass. The following message appears: Error in plugin 36mgulp-ruby-sass-39m RegexpError: failed to…
2 answers

error compiling susy2 with gulp

I have a very simple gulp based test environment using only sass and the susy2 gem - no compass because compass is no longer a dependency of susy 2 The error i'm getting is ...sass/susy/language/susy/settings:8:error: error reading values after…
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